Pinyin: lǐ yí duì
Meaning:Reception team
Sentence: 非常感谢加入礼仪队。Thanks for being part of the reception team.
Pinyin: lǐ
Meaning: Propriety; rite; gift
Radical: 礻
Stokes: 5
Traditional: 禮
Common words/Phrase:
礼拜 [lǐ bài] 【worship; week; religious service】
礼金 [lǐ jīn] 【cash gift; gift of money】
礼仪 [lǐ yí] 【etiquette】
礼貌 [lǐ mào] 【courtesy; manners】
礼器 [lǐ qì] 【sacrificial vessel】
Pinyin: yí
Meaning: Present; rites; apparatus
Radical: 亻
Stokes: 5
Traditional: 儀
Common words/Phrase:
仪器 [yí qì] 【instrument】
仪表 [yí biǎo] 【meter】
仪式 [yí shì] 【ceremony】
仪态 [yí tài] 【bearing】
仪仗队 [yí zhàng duì] 【honor guard】
Pinyin: duì
Meaning: Team; squadron; group
Radical: 阝
Stokes: 4
Traditional: 隊
Common words/Phrase:
队伍 [duì wu] 【troops】
队长 [duì zhǎng] 【captain】
队列 [duì liè] 【formation】
队员 [duì yuán] 【team member】
队形 [duì xíng] 【formation】