Pinyin: bào pò
Meaning:To demolish (using explosives); blasting
Sentence: 危险!正在爆破!Danger! Blasting in progress!
Pinyin: bào
Meaning: to crack; to explode or burst
Radical: 火
Stokes: 19
Traditional: 爆
Common words/Phrase:
爆炸 [bào zhà] 【to explode; to blow up 】
爆发 [bào fā] 【to break out; to erupt】
爆笑 [bào xiào] 【hilarious】
爆竹 [bào zhú] 【firecracker】
爆胎 [bào tāi] 【tire burst】
Pinyin: pò
Meaning: To break; to split
Radical: 石
Stokes: 5
Traditional: 破
Common words/Phrase:
破坏 [pò huài] 【destroy】
破产 [pò chǎn] 【to go bankrupt】
破损 [pò sǔn] 【breakage】
破裂 [pò liè] 【crack】
破碎 [pò suì]【fall to pieces】