Pinyin: jiàn dìng
Meaning:To appraise; to identify; to evaluate
Sentence: 对原文的分析研究鉴定出作者是莎士比亚。Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.
Pinyin: jiàn
Meaning: Mirror; example; to view
Radical: 金
Stokes: 13
Traditional: 鑒
Common words/Phrase:
鉴于 [jiàn yú] 【in (the) light of; in view of; out of deference to】
鉴别 [jiàn bié] 【to differentiate; to distinguish】
鉴赏 [jiàn shǎng] 【to appreciate】
鉴权 [jiàn quán] 【authentication】
借鉴 [jiè jiàn] 【utilize others work; use as a source of reference】
Pinyin: dìng
Meaning: To set; to fix; to determine
Radical: 宀
Stokes: 8
Traditional: 定
Common words/Phrase:
定单 [dìng dān] 【order for goods】
定稿 [dìng gǎo] 【final version or text】
定额 [dìng é] 【quota】
定购 [dìng gòu] 【order】
定货 [dìng huò] 【contract for goods】