Pinyin: lěng miàn
Meaning:Cold noodles
Sentence: 冷面由面粉和各种配料制成,并浸入酸酸甜甜的汤汁里。 Immersed in sweet and sour soup, the cold noodles are made from the flour and starch of various ingredients.
Pinyin: lěng
Meaning: Cold; cooling
Radical: 冫
Stokes: 7
Traditional: 冷
Common words/Phrase:
冷静 [lěng jìng] 【calm】
冷却 [lěng què] 【cool off】
冷漠 [lěng mò] 【inhospitality】
冷冻 [lěng dòng] 【refrigeration】
冷酷 [lěng kù] 【grim】
Pinyin: miàn
Meaning: sidesur; face; noodles; top; fade; aspect; face; flour
Radical: 面
Stokes: 9
Traditional: 麵
Common words/Phrase:
面对 [miàn duì] 【confront】
面积 [miàn jī] 【area】
面板 [miàn bǎn] 【panel; faceplate】
面临 [miàn lín] 【be faced with; to be confronted with】
面包 [miàn bāo] 【bread】