品酒 Sample wine...
武侠 Martial arts chivalry...
仪容 Appearance...
毕业 Graduation...
搁浅 Run aground...
防暴警察 Riot police...
短道速滑 Short track speed skating...
投票 To vote...
书店 Bookstore...
熙熙攘攘 A hustle and bustle...
橡皮艇 Rubber dinghy...
严寒 Frigid or bitter cold...
严寒 Frigid or bitter cold...
民族服装 National costume...
圆明园 the Old Summer Palace...
麻婆豆腐 Mapo tofu...
平板电脑 Tablet personal computer...
潜水艇 Submarine...
三维图画 Three-dimensional drawings...
舍利塔 Dagoba...