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Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 守株待兔(Shǒuzhū-dàitù )

Profile:Its original meaning is to stand by a tree stump waiting for a rabbit to dash itself against it. This is to satirize those doing things according to their experience.
守株待兔(Shǒuzhū-dàitù )
Chūnqiū shíqī, sòngguó yǒu gè nóngfū, tāde dì lǐ yǒu kē shùzhuāng. Yǒu yì tiān, tā zài dì lǐ gànhuó de shíhòu, kànjiàn yì zhī bēnpǎo de tùzǐ zhuàng shàng le shùzhuāng, zhuàngshé le bózǐ sǐ diào le. Nóngfū hěn gāoxìng, xīn xiǎn: rúguǒ měitiān dōu yǒu yí zhī tùzǐ zhuàng sǐ, mài tùzǐ ròu zuànqián, zìjǐ jiù búyòng zài dì lǐ gànhuó le! Yúshì tā fàng xià chútóu, tiāntiān zuò zài shùzhuāng páng děnghò, xīwàng zài jiǎn dào zhuàng sǐ de tùzǐ. Kěshì, shíjiān yì tiān tiān guòqù, zài yě méiyǒu yì zhī tùzǐ zhuàng sǐ zài shùshàng. Nóngmín zhè cái xiǎng qǐ tā de tián dì, kěshì tā de dì yǐjīng huāngwú le.
春秋时期,宋国有个农夫,他的地里有棵树桩。有一天,他在地里干活的时候,看见一只奔跑的兔子撞上了树桩,撞折了脖子死掉了。农夫很高兴,心想:如果每天 都有一只兔子撞死,卖兔子肉赚钱,自己就不用在地里干活了!于是他放下锄头,天天坐在树桩旁等候,希望再捡到撞死的兔子。可是,时间一天天过去,再也没有 一只兔子撞死在树上。农民这才想起他的田地,可是他的地已经荒芜了。
Stand by a Tree Stump Waiting for a Hare -- One Who Sticks to His Folly and Does Nothing
In the spring and Autumn Period, there was a farmer in the State of Song. In his field there was a tree stump and one day, when he was working in the field he saw a rabbit bump into the stump accidentally and broke its neck and died. The farmer was overjoyed at the unexpected gain. He thought, "How wonderful! Game comes by so easily! I'm tired of farming under the hot sun. I can make money from selling the rabbits."
Therefore the farmer threw his hoe back in the storeroom and sat beside the stump; indulging himself in the fantasy that other rabbits would come along and do the same thing. He waited and waited but no more rabbit came by. Many days passed before the farmer thought of his field again, by which time the field was overgrown with weeds.

树桩(shùzhuāng): stump (n.)
农夫 (nóngfū) : farmer (n.)
撞上(zhuàngshang) : bump into (v.)
折(shé) : break (v.)
锄头(chútou) : hoe (n.)
等候(děnghòu) : wait for (v.)
希望(xīwàng) : hope (v.)
田地(tiándì) : field (n.)
荒芜(huāngwú) : abandon (v.)


Its original meaning is to stand by a tree stump waiting for a rabbit to dash itself against it. This is to satirize those doing things according to their experience. Later it's used as a simile, meaning not to strive for success but to wait for it to happen, pinning hopes on chance and luck.


Duìyú zhè jiàn shì, yídìng yào jījí zhēngqǔ, jué bùnéng shǒu zhū dài tù.
As to this matter it's better to strive for success instead of waiting for a windfall.

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