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  • Four Treasures of the Study 文房四宝
    Date:2018-02-24 Click:1109

    Four Treasures of the Study 文房四宝...

  • Tang Tricolor Pottery 唐三彩
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:1276

    Tang Tricolor Pottery (táng sān cǎi 唐三彩), also called Tang Sancai, is a kind of handmade glazed ware of exquisi......

  • Porcelain 瓷器
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:770

    Porcelain (cí qì 瓷器) derives its present name from old Italian porcellana because of its resemblance to the trans......

  • Jade Carving 玉雕
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:580

    It is acknowledged by the world that jade carving (yù diāo 玉雕) is one of the oldest carving arts in China....

  • Embroidery 刺绣
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:1027

    Embroidery (cì xiù 刺绣), a folk art with a history of more than 3000 years, has an important position in the histo......

  • Fan 扇子
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:2389

    Fan (shàn zǐ 扇子) is a must in summer. It can drive away summer heat and help bring cooling breeze....

  • Silk 丝绸
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:1503

    China is the earliest country to have produced silk (sī chóu 丝绸)....

  • Ancient Bridges of China 中国古代桥梁
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:733

    Ancient Chinese bridges (zhōng guó gǔ dài qiáo liáng 中国古代桥梁) are universally acknowledged and have enjoye......

  • Imperial Palace 宫廷
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:420

    The imperial palace, the official residence of the emperor and his family, is the most vital architecture in ancient ......

  • Chinese Temple 中国寺庙
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:1288

    Temples is the symbolization of the long history and rich culture of China, and are regarded as valuable art treasures....

  • Chinese Pagoda 中国塔
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:978

    Pagoda (tǎ 塔) is an important symbol of civilization and culture of ancient China....

  • Suzhou Gardens 苏州园林
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:2211

    Suzhou is China's well-known "city of gardens", which tops all gardens in both the number and the artistry.......

  • Classical Gardens of China 中国古典园林
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:632

    Classical Chinese garden design, which intend to recreate natural landscapes in miniature, is nowhere better ill......

  • Hutong and Siheyuan 胡同与四合院
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:706

    The word "hutong" (hú tóng 胡同) means "water well"(shuǐ jǐng 水井) in Mongolian....

  • Longtangs in Shanghai 上海弄堂
    Date:2018-02-22 Click:720

    Longtang (lòng táng 弄堂) is the local term used by Shanghai (shàng hǎi 上海) people for Lilong (lǐ lòng 里弄).......

  • Chinese Architecture 中国建筑
    Date:2018-02-12 Click:823

    Chinese Architecture 中国建筑...

  • Zeng Houyi Bells: Gem of Ancient Chinese Art 曾侯乙编钟
    Date:2018-02-12 Click:710

    Zeng Houyi Bells: Gem of Ancient Chinese Art 曾侯乙编钟...

  • Oracle Bone Inscription 甲骨文
    Date:2018-02-12 Click:2409

    Oracle Bone Inscription 甲骨文...

  • King of Kiln in Song Dynasty 宋钧窑
    Date:2018-02-08 Click:462

    King of Kiln in Song Dynasty 宋钧窑...

  • Jade Burial Suit 金缕玉衣
    Date:2018-02-08 Click:789

    Jade Burial Suit 金缕玉衣...

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