Father: It’s a good day today. The family hasn’t been sightseeing for a while.
Mother: The scenery here is beautiful and the air is fresh by the waterside.
Daughter: Dad, let’s find a place to fly our kites.
Father: Ok. Xiaojie, this is the Houhai area you’ve always wanted to see.
Daughter: Yes? All this area is Houhai?
Father: Come over here. You see, this is the Yinding Bridge. On this side of the bridge, it’s Shichahai, also known as Houhai, and over there it’s Qianhai.
Mother: This bridge is quite delicate.
Father: It may be small, but it was a famous sight before, known as “Mountain Scene at the Yinding Bridge”. It’s said that you could see the West Mountain from here.
Daughter: Really? wher is the West Mountain?
Father: You can’t see it now.
Daughter: Dad, I find the place names in Beijng rather strange.
Father: Why?
Daughter: Beihai, Shichahai, are they just lakes? Why call them seas?
Mother: I find the same. Could it be that people in ancient times thought that they are as big as a sea and named them seas afterwards?
Father: You’re good at finding problems. But that’s not the reason.
Daughter: Then what is?
Father: The “hai” in Shichahai is actually “haizi”.
Mother: Do these two words mean the same?
Father: No. “Hai” is “sea”, while “haizi” is not. “Haizi” is Manchu for lake.
Daughter: Oh, I see. You’re really knowledgeable, Dad.
Mother: Renhao, look, so many bars here. The nightlife here must be pretty lively.
Father: Yeah. You can have a drink here and at the same time appreciate the beautiful scenery, killing two birds with one stone.
Mother: What’s more, with the beautiful scenery, you can enjoy the solitude among all the excitement here. It must be a good place to live
Father: Right. Many celebrities lived here before in history. In the Qing dynasty, even some princes lived here.
Daughter: Princes? Are their residences still around now?
Father: Yes. Like Prince Gong’s Mansion, it’s well preserved.
Daughter: Besides his, any others?
Father: Prince Chun’s Mansion is also around this area and is now the old residence of Song Qingling.
Mother: Song Qingling? That’s a big name.
Father: There are stories all around the Shichahai area. You could spend more than three days and three nights on them.
Daughter: All around? wher are they?
Mother: Xiaoijie, what are you looking around for?
Daughter: Stories.
Father: Haha. Let’s go and find some stories.
1)善于 to be adept at, to be good at
He's relatively good at expressing his own ideas.
He's very good at public speaking.
2)一举两得 to achieve two things at once
To travel while learning Chinese, and to have fun while studying really is killing two birds with one stone.
To swim every day not only can you relax but it’s also good for your health. That really is killing two birds with one stone.
3)折腾 to do sth over and over.
例) 他折腾了半天,还是没把电脑修好。
He fiddled with it for a long time, but he still was not able to fix the computer.
Quit fiddling around your stupid radio. Go to bed early.
Sign Posts Hutong 2
Let’s talk a little bit more about hutongs, the narrow alleyways in old Beijing. Many of these have interesting names, based on different kinds of criteria. Some merely reflect the name of their most prominent occupants, like 赵堂子胡同, which would be wher the Zhao family lived. Others have more mysterious names like龙须沟胡同 Dragon Whiskers Ditch hutong. Not sure wher that name came from. Other names are very practical, reflecting the dominant trades that would go on in these neighbourhoods, such as 干面胡同 dry flour hutong. One hutong is humorously called 一尺大街. 尺 is a traditional Chinese measurement, like a foot in English. 大街 is the name of a boulevard or major street, but this is simply a hutong that is approximately 10 m long. Note that not all hutongs are actually called “hutong” in their formal name.
Each hutong has its own personality. Few are simply straight lines. The most winding hutong is probably 九道弯, literally 9 turning ways, which actually has over 20 twists and turns. If you come out of that and still know which way is north, you’re doing very well. In Chinese, 找不着北 to not be able to find north, is an expression to indicate that you are completely lost and confused.
Some of the hutongs are now major streets, others are so narrow they’re not only unpassable by car, some people would have trouble squeezing through. Little Trumpet hutong 小喇叭胡同 is only 50 centimeters wide at one point. The most narrow is probably 钱市胡同, literally money market hutong, which narrows to only 40 cm at one point.
The oldest hutong is probably 三庙街, which has a history of over 900 years. Another hutong, 砖塔胡同 the brick tower hutong has a history of over 700 years. We know this because it is actually mentioned in ancient operas from the Yuan dynasty. Despite the huge changes in Beijing, you can still find these hutongs today.
Substitution and Extension
1)A…是…A,B…是…B two things are not comparable
Noodles are noodles. Rice noodles are rice noodles. They look similar but they taste different.
Beijing is Beijing. Shanghai is Shanghai. Although they are both large cities, they have very different characters.
2) 拿......来说吧 take something as an example
Take fermented bean curd drink as an example, nowadays very few young people like to drink it.
Take Quanjude as an example, almost all Beijingers know about it.
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