彩票 (cǎipiào) lottery ticket
“彩票” is a type of proof of purchase, and buyers can obtain a reward determined by corresponding rules. Many people buying lottery tickets hope to win a big prize However, the probability of winning is very small, and only a few lucky people can get the prize.
1、Hěnduōrén rèzhōng yú gòumǎi cǎipiào, qīdài hǎoyùn de jiànglín.
Many people are fond of buying lottery tickets, and they look forward to the arrival of good luck.
2、Zhèngfǔ tōngguò xiāoshòu cǎipiào huòdé dàliàng de zījīn qù zhīchí gōngyì shìyè.
By selling lottery tickets, the government receives a large amount of money to support public welfare projects.