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Dialogue - Don't Break Traffic Rules 不要违章驾驶

Profile:Dialogue - Don't Break Traffic Rules 不要违章驾驶
Bú yào wéi zhāng jià shǐ
Don't Break Traffic Rules

A driver must concentrate on the road and drive defensively. Aggressive driving is a serious problem that is responsible for many traffic accidents and fatalities. The driver should be rested, calm, and not under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Mài kè:     Wǒ jīn tiān kāi chē wéi zhāng, bèi jǐng chá lán zhù le.
麦克:     我今天开车违章,被警察拦住了。

I broke a traffic rule and was stopped by a policeman today.
Lì li:     Zhēn wèi nǐ nán guò. Nǐ zěn me wéi zhāng le?
丽丽:     真为你难过。你怎么违章了?
Lili:     Sorry to hear that. What rule did you break?
Mài kè:     Zài yí gè hóng lǜ dēng lù kǒu, wǒ qiáng xíng zuǒ guăi le.
麦克:     在一个红绿灯路口,我强行左拐了。
Mike:     I forced my way into the left lane at a traffic light crossing.
Lì li:     Nán guài ne! Nǐ bèi fá kuăn le ba?
丽丽:     难怪呢!你被罚款了吧?
Lili:     No wonder! You were fined, weren't you?
Mài kè:     Shì de. Nà wèi jǐng chá shì yì wǒ tíng chē, bìng chū shì jià shǐ zhèng.
麦克:     是的。那位警察示意我停车,并出示驾驶证。
Mike:     Yes. The policeman motioned for me to stop and show my driver's license.
Lì li:     Jǐng chá de tài dù hăo ma?
丽丽:     警察的态度好吗?
Lili:     Was the policeman polite?
Mài kè:     Fēi cháng hăo. Tā gěi wǒ kāi le fá kuăn dān. Wǒ bèi fá kuăn èr băi yuán.
麦克:     非常好。他给我开了罚款单。我被罚款二百元。
Mike:     Yes, he was. He wrote me a ticket. I was fined 200 yuan.
Lì li:     Wǒ yě céng jīng bèi fá guò, shì yīn wéi chāo sù jià shǐ.
丽丽:     我也曾经被罚过,是因为超速驾驶。
Lili:     I was once fined for speeding.
Mai kè:     Shàng zhōu wǒ de yí gè péng yǒu yě bèi fá le, shì yīn wéi jiǔ hòu jià chē.
麦克:     上周我的一个朋友也被罚了,是因为酒后驾车。
Mike:     Last week one of my friends was fined for drunk driving.
Lì li:     Tā bèi yán lì chǔ fá le ba?
丽丽:     他被严厉处罚了吧?
Lili:     He got a heavy penalty, didn't he?
Mài kè:     Shì de. Tā bèi fá kuăn wǔ băi yuán, diào xiāo jià zhào sān gè yuè.
麦克:     是的。他被罚款五百元,吊销驾照三个月。
Mike:     Yes. He was fined 500 yuan and they suspended his license for three months.
Lì li:     Měi wèi gōng mín dōu yīng gāi zūn shǒu jiāo tōng guī zé.
丽丽:     每位公民都应该遵守交通规则。
Lili:     All citizens should observe traffic rules.
Mài ke:     Shì de, ān quán jià shǐ fēi cháng zhòng yào.
麦克:     是的,安全驾驶非常重要。
Mike:     Yes. Safe driving is very important.
违章 wéi zhāng : break the rules     驾驶 jià shǐ : drive
警察 jǐng chá: policeman     红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng : traffic lights
路口 lù kǒu: crossing     罚款 fá kuăn : fine
驾驶证 jià shǐ zhèng: driver's license     超速驾驶 chāo sù : speeding
酒后驾车 jiǔ hòu jià chē: drunk driving     吊销 diào xiāo: suspend, revoke
经历 jīng lì: experience     公民 gōng mín: citizen
遵守 zūn shǒu: obey, observe     重要的 zhòng yào: important


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