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Lesson 052 Are Eight Dishes Enough?

Profile:Lesson 052 Are Eight Dishes Enough?
M: Dajia hao. Huan ying nimen dao Xianzai Xue Hanyu. Wo shi ML.
S: Dajia hao, wo shi Stuart. 今天我们学第五十二课。

M: Lesson 52 is a revision lesson. Di wu shi er ke shi ge fuxi ke, fuxi ke.

S: Remember to repeat everything out loud with us. ML, women zai nar?

M: We’ve arrived at the restaurant. 我们到了餐馆 women dao le canguan.

S: Na hen hao, yinwei wo e le!

M: And the waitress asks us,

WTRS:几位, ji wei?

S: Liang wei, two people, liang wei.

S: Now to ask for the menu and order food, dian cai.

M:小姐,我们要点菜, women yao dian cai.

WTRSS: 好,here’s the menu. 给你菜单,gei ni caidan.

M: Xiexie. Stuart, what do you fancy eating, 你想吃什么,ni xiang chi shenme?

S: Wo bu zhidao.

M:这是菜单,zhe shi caidan.

S: Hao, 我看一看,wo kan yi kan. So many dishes! 这么多菜, zheme duo cai.

M: Now, you guys at home, how do we say ‘cold dishes’? Dui le, 凉菜,liang cai. And hot dishes? Mei cuo! 热菜, re cai.

S: And what is 牛肉, niu rou? Dui le! Beef, niu rou.

M: What is 猪肉, zhu rou? Yes, pork, zhu rou.

S: And ‘chicken’? Dui le. Ji rou, ji rou.

M: So fish is? Yes. Yu yu.

S: And a vegetarian dish is? Su cai, su cai. Now say, ‘I fancy eating fish and a vegetarian dish’.

M: Dui le: 我想吃鱼和素菜, wo xiang chi yu he su cai. Or, for green leafy vegetables, you can say 青菜 qing cai.

S: All very good to eat! 都很好吃, dou hen hao chi.

M: There’s only the two of us, 只有我们两个人, zhi you women liang ge ren.

S: 所以, 不要点太多, suo yi, bu yao dian tai duo.

M: Wo tong yi. But, I fancy …. this, this, this, 这个 zhei ge, zhei ge, zhei ge, he 羊肉mutton yangrou。

S: Is 8 dishes enough? 八个菜够吗, ba ge cai gou ma?

M: 八个菜,wo xiang gou le.

S: Soup? Ni bu yao tang ma?

M: Wo wang le! Wo hai yao yi ge tang.

S: Calories, calories!

S: And lesson 51, di wu shi yi ke, women xue le shenme?

M: Wo xiang yi xiang. 我们学了, bowl 碗 wan.

S: Dui le. And what else? 还有呢?hai you ne?

M: Hai you, 我们要一个汤,so we need to use spoons. 所以,我们要用勺子, women yao yong shaozi.

S: Spoon, shaozi, shaozi. Hai you ne? Anthing else? Hai2 you3 ne?

M: 还有,我们吃中餐, 所以我们要用筷子, suoyi women yao yong kuaizi.

S: Dui le. We don’t use a knife and fork. 我们不用刀叉, women bu yong dao cha.

M: But we still haven’t got our food!

S: Maybe next lesson. Till then, zai jian.

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