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EP6 Goodbye!再见

Profile:EP6 Goodbye!再见
 EP6 Goodbye!再见
We say “再见(goodbye)” every day in our daily life, but do you know “再见” can convey many interesting meanings especially when Chinese people use it with their close friends? Just imagin: “你最近又胖了” ——“再见。”Listen to this episode and find more! 
Part I: Chinese 101
A: 再见!
zài jiàn ! 
míng tiān jiàn !
See you tomorrow!
A: 我要走了,下次见!
wǒ yào zǒu le ,xià cì jiàn !
I’m going to leave, see you next time!
zài jiàn !
Words & expressions
【要】 yào: "To want" (a thing) or "to want (to do something)" 
我要一本书。I want a book.
我要吃饭。I want to eat.
Grammar: 要 (yào) as a main verb can also mean "to demand" or “going to..” and in this sense can be followed by 了 (le) .
我要走了。I’m going to leave.
我要死了。I’m gonna die.
【再见】zài jiàn:goodbye;bye; see you; 
“再”:once again (in the future), a little more
不再:non repetition in the future 再次: once again;
“见”: see
见面:to meet;to see each other
【下次】xià cì; next time
下回:next time 下一个: next one
一次:once 两次:twice
【明天】míng tiān:tomorrow
今天: today
昨天: yesterday
【走】zǒu: to walk; go; to leave; go away
我走路上班。I walk to work.
出去走走。Go out and have a walk.
Part II: Language Tips 
EP6 Goodbye!再见
EP6 Goodbye!再见
Do you know “再见”sometimes means “I don’t want to talk to you anymore” ? But usually we use this phrase with close friends as kind of joking.
“再见” in emojis…
Part III: Story of the Day
EP6 Goodbye!再见
铁杵成针:Perseverance Sells Success
tiě chǔ chéng zhēn 
Perseverance spells success 
Li Bai, living in Tang Dynasty, is probably one of the most prolific poets in Chinese history. A well-known story about perseverance in China comes from Li Bai's childhood experiences. 
Literal meaning: grind an iron rod into a needle 
Explanation: perseverance spells success  
lǎo shī duì tā de xué shēng men shuō,zhī yào nǐ men nài xīn děng dài,tiě chǔ chéng zhēn,yī dìng kě yǐ qǔ dé hǎo de chéng jì。
A teacher says to his students that perseveranceonly spells success if you have patience to wait for good results.

Hot Tags: 对外汉语 汉语口语 spoken Chinese

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