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第十四课 到上海一游 Lesson Fourteen: Visiting Shanghai (2)

Profile:第十四课 到上海一游 Lesson Fourteen: Visiting Shanghai (2)

Dominic: Ok, now let’s ask locals what they recommend doing in their hometown.

(Dominic approaches a pedestrian and asks directions.)

Dominic: 你好,请问上海哪儿最好玩?
Pedestrian: 您可以去东方明珠塔或者是外滩,那里的夜景都很美!
Dominic: 真的吗?太好了!那明珠塔离酒店远吗?
Pedestrian: 不远,一直往前走就到了。
Dominic: 谢谢。

GRAPHIC FLASH: 请问上海哪儿最好玩?上海 fourth tone and third tone means Shanghai, 哪儿 third tone, a phrase used to ask about the location,  最 fourth tone, used before adjectives and adverbials to describe superlative degree,  好玩 third tone and second tone means interesting, fun, the whole sentence, 请问上海哪儿最好玩?wher is the most interesting place in Shanghai?

(Dominic admires the view by the Bund.)

Dominic: Ah, it’s one of the most impressive sites of modern China. It’s amazing to think that this was once just a small fishing village. Oh, my phone.

(Dominic answers phone.)

Zheng Zhi: Hey Dominic, how are you? I’ve just come to Shanghai and I heard you are here, too. 
Dominic: 郑治,这么巧!你也来上海了!
Zheng Zhi: 对的,我来看世博会, 你呢?
Dominic: 我也是,我们一起在上海玩怎么样?可以在明珠塔门口见。
Zheng Zhi: 好的。我在上海读的书,对这儿很了解。可以免费给你当导游。
Dominic: 好, 一会儿在那见。

GRAPHIC FLASH: 可以免费给你当导游。 可以 both third tones means can, 给你 both third tones means for you, or this is for you, 免费 third tone and forth tone means for free, 导游 third tone and second tone means guide, the whole sentence, 可以免费给你当导游。I can be your guide for free.

Dominic: Hi 郑治,你最近怎么样?
Zheng Zhi: 我挺好的,你呢? 
Dominic: 我很好,不过我肚子饿了,你有什么好的推荐吗?
Zheng Zhi: 这附近有家小笼包,非常正宗。 
Dominic: 我们走吧!


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