As China's traditional Spring Festival is approaching, millions of homebound travelers are trying all means to get tickets, but the train ticket purchasing system is not of much help. How to get a train ticket has become a hot topic online.
春运(Spring Festival transportation)购票(ticket purchase )进入最高峰时段,热点地区车票已售罄(sold out)。猎豹浏览器联合央视,历时3个月探入黄牛(scalper)内部卧底调查(undercover investigation) ,揭露了黄牛如何利用非法抢票软件突破12306限制,通过假身份证大量屯票(hog tickets)然后高价倒卖(resell at a higher price)牟取暴利(gain tremendous profits)的非法行为。
黄牛利用非法抢票软件,并通过假身份证(ID card))在12306网站上注册(register)几百个甚至更多账号,以毫秒速度实时刷票,可自动识别验证码,速度要比人手快百倍!10分钟就能刷走1245张火车票,一趟列车瞬间被垄断(monopolize),然后将大量屯票高价倒卖牟取暴利。据金山网络工程师介绍,黄牛产业链已实现旅行社、刷票党、个人用户自下而上的线上交易(online transaction)。
重点词汇Key Words:
春运chūn yùn
Spring Festival transportation
购票gòu piào
ticket purchase
售罄shòu qìng
sell out
黄牛huáng niú
高价倒卖gāo jià dǎo mài
resell at a higher price