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【外交官汉语词汇十二】President Xi's Speech at the College of Europe 1

Profile:【外交官汉语词汇十二】President Xi's Speech at the College of Europe 1

207亚欧大陆Eurasian continent

208欧洲学院 The College of Europe

as a result of people's reflection of the war and their yearning for peace

Human history has far too often been haunted by the spectre of war.

211痛定思痛 to think over the past misery

212,开始联合自强 start to unite


The people in Europe started to unite under the leadership of statemen like Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman in the joint pursuit for lasting peace and prosperity.

213欧洲政治精英的摇篮the cradle of political elites of Europe


The College of Europe has always been at the heart of European integration.


as it is in itself an expression of the faith of Europe born out of the ruins of war.

216, 老师们、同学们!

Faculty members and students

217, 开启了新的历史纪元 herald a new historical era


In 1949 when the College of Europe was established, the People's Republic of China was founded, heralding a new historical era in development of the Chinese nation.

218, 审时度势acting on the assessment of the world situation then

219, 作出了中欧建交的决定
decided that China and the European economic community should establish diplomatic relations.


Later in 1975, late Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and Sir Christopher Soames acting on the assessment of the world situation then, decided that China and the European economic community should establish diplomatic relations.

220, 全面战略伙伴关系a comprehensive strategic partnership
221, 建立了对话磋商机制established dialogue and a consultation mechanism


Today China and the EU have a comprehensive strategic partnership, we have established dialogue and a consultation mechanism in over 60 areas.

222, 2013年双方贸易额达到5591亿美元

Our trade last year reached 559.1 billion U.S. dollars.

223, 双方每年人员往来500多万人次

Over 5 million visits are exchanged each year.

224, 留学生总数近30万人。

And about 300,000 of our students are studying overseas, either in Europe, or in China.

225, 中欧关系发展空间还很大there's still great room for the growth of China-EU relations

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