“放假方案”调查结束 Vacation Plans...
小客车摇号“中签率” License Plate Lottery...
《反浪费条例》取消“一般公务用车” No Official Cars...
2014年国家公务员考试 National Civil Servant Exam...
“单独二胎”促“母婴产品”行业Two-child Fertility Policy...
十八届三中全会公报要点双语对照 3rd Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee...
国家“治理体系”Governance System...
会议通过的文件 Communique, Decision, Resolution, Report, Opinion...
全面深化改革 Comprehensively Deepening Reform...
网店商家屯粮积草备战"双十一"Singles' Day...
“土豪,我们做朋友吧!”Rich, But Unpopular and Poor in Taste...
改善型购房者 Upgraders...
外国直接投资FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)...
阿里巴巴将进军中国“大后方” Vast Hinterlands...
扶贫基金 Poverty-relief Funds...
负面清单管理 Negative List Approach...
草莓族 Strawberry Generation...
甜柠檬心理 Sweet Lemon Psychology...
Ponzi Scheme 庞氏骗局...
Stock-market Sufferers 股市症候群...