Zōng hé guó lì
综 合 国 力
overall national strength
Chǎn yè jié gòu
产 业 结 构
Industrial structure
Chǎn quán zhì dù
产 权 制 度
Property rights system
Chuàng huì chǎn pǐn
创 汇 产 品
Foreign exchange (hard currency) earning product
Chāo qián xiāo fèi
超 前 消 费
Over-consuming; excessive consumption
Chū kǒu tuì shuì
出 口 退 税
Refunding export taxes
Chóng fù jiàn shè
重 复 建 设
Duplication of similar projects
Chǎn xiāo guà gōu
产 销 挂 钩
To link production with marketing