“对牛弹琴”这个成语就是从上述故事演化而来的,指那些说话或写东西不考虑到听众的人。 一般来说,是说话人或作者高估了听众或读者,所以,这则成语嘲讽的主要是听众或观众,而不是说话者。
音乐家 musician 陶醉 intoxicate 演奏 performance 糟糕 poor 欣赏 appreciate 嘲讽 mock
Play the lute to a cow
In ancient time, there lived a musician named Gong Mingyi. He was very good at playing the Zheng, a plucked string instrument. But he also behaved foolishly sometimes.
One day, he saw a cow eating grass in the field near his house. He was inspired by the scene and ran outside to play a tune for the cow. Gong Mingyi played beautifully and he himself was intoxicated by the music. But the cow paid no heed to the elegant sounds. It simply focused its attention on eating the grass. Gong Mingyi was surprised to see that. He couldn't understand why the cow was so indifferent to his performance. Obviously, it is not because his performance is poor. But the cow neither understood nor appreciated his elegant music!
From that story comes the idiom "Play the lute to a cow", which implies that someone speaks or writes without considering his audience. In general speaking, the speaker or writer has over-estimated his listeners or readers. In these cases, the idiom mocks the audience rather than the speaker.