三国时期(220-280),有一个正直的文人叫卢毓 (Y*),在魏国做大官。 满足 satisfy 结合 combine 根据 according to 任命 appoint 称赞 praise 空想 fanciness 不切实际的 impractical 真才实学 genuine ability and learning
选拔 select
Draw a pancake to allay hunger-Feed on illusions
Lu Yu was a learned man of integrity in the period of Three Kingdoms (220-280), serving as a senior official.
Once the emperor was selecting talents for a post, officials recommended a lot of famous people. The emperor of Wei said, "I would like to let Lu Yu select the right person instead of those well-known but incapable ones. Fame is just like a pancake drawn on the wall. You cannot eat it."
Lu Yu suggested the emperor to combine examination with selection. From then on, officials were appointed according to their real ability. Lu Yu's method for selection was widely praised.
The idiom came from what the emperor said. At first, it indicated enjoying a empty fame". Later, people use it to describe satisfying oneself by imagining things or consoling oneself with false hopes.