In this Pinyin Lesson, we learn how to pronounce three initials, which are j, q, x. We also learn some Chinese characters that use “j, q, x”. In addition you can have tone drill and quiz.
Initials are called 声母 in simplified Chinese( pinyin: shēngmǔ). There are 21 initials excluding y and w.
The conventional order is:
b, p, m, f; d, t, ,n, l; g, k, h; j, q, x; zh, ch, sh, r; z, c, s
Pronunciation Guide for j, q, x
The letters q, and x are pronounced more like the letters ch, and sh in cheap and she, respectively.
The following guide is given in terms of English pronunciation. They are approximate, as there are some sounds of Pinyin do not correspond directly to sounds in English.
1. j: as “ge” in “genius”.
2. q: as “chea” in “cheap” but without a curling tongue.
3. x: as “shee” in “sheep” but without a curling tongue.
Example Words
Example 1:
Chinese Character: 鸡 English translation: chicken |
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Example 2: Chinese Character: 七 English translation: seven |
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Example 3: Chinese Character: 西 English translation: west |
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Exercise 1: Tone Exercise
Listen to the audio first, and then repeat.
1. jā já jǎ jà
2. qiā qiá qiǎ qià
3. xiā xiá xiǎ xià