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Learn Chinese Pinyin in 21 Days – Day 10: Finals, ai, ei, ui

Profile:Learn Chinese Pinyin in 21 Days – Day 10: Finals, ai, ei, ui

In this Pinyin Lesson, we learn Finals, ai, ei, ui.


Finals are all possible combinations of semivowels coming before the vowel, the nucleus vowel, and final vowel. There are 14 compound finals (复韵母) and 14 nasal finals (鼻韵母).

Compound finals: ai, ei, ui; ao, ou, iu; ie, üe; er; ia, iao; ua, uo, uai
Nasal finals: an, en; in, un, ün; ang, eng, ing, ong; ian, iang, iong; uan, uang

Pronunciation Guide for ai, ei, ui

The following guide is given in terms of English pronunciation. They are approximate, as there are some sounds of Pinyin do not correspond directly to sounds in English.

1. ai: as ai in “aisle”.


2. ei: as ei in “eight”.

3. ui: as wei in “weigh” (“we” is more closer)

Example Words

Example 1:

Chinese Character: 爱
Pinyin: ài


English translation: love


Example 2:

Chinese Character: 北
Pinyin: běi


English translation: north

Example 3:

Chinese Character: 龟
Pinyin: guī


English translation: turtle

Hot Tags: learning Chinese 对外汉语学习 拼音 pinyin

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