Organized(组织) by Chinese Embassy(中国大使馆) in Jordan in coordination with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute(孔子学院) of Jordan, the "Ambassador's Cup" Chinese Calligraphy(书法) Competition(竞赛) was held here on Wednesday, attracting(吸引) dozens of Jordanian students studying Chinese language.

Competitors take part in(参加) the "Ambassador's Cup" Chinese calligraphy competition at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute of Jordan in Amman, Jordan, on Feb. 7, 2018.
词汇 Words:
[zǔ zhī] 组织 organize
[cān jiā] 参加 take part in
[xī yǐn] 吸引 attract
[jìng sài] 竞赛 competition
重点词汇 Key word:
<动词 v.> organize; form
E.g. Wǒmen yīngdāng zǔzhī gèngduō de shèjiāo huódòng。
We ought to organize more social events.
<名词 n.> organization; organized team
E.g. Tāmen kěyǐ shēnqǐng jiārù gāi zǔzhī。
They may apply to join the organization.
<名词 n.> tissue
E.g. Bìngdú qiánfú yú shénjīng zǔzhī lǐ zhídào bèi jīhuó。
The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.