词汇 Words:
[xuán guà] 悬挂 dangle
[xuán yá] 悬崖 cliff
[xiǎo shuō] 小说 novel
[zhù fú] 祝福 blessing
[gǎi biān] 改编 adapt
[diàn shì lián xù jù] 电视连续剧 TV series
[chū míng de] 出名的 famous
重点词汇 Key word:
<动词 v.> hang; suspend
E.g. Tā zhènghǎo xuánguà zài shānyá shàngfāng。
It just hung over the cliff.
<形容词 adj.> unresolved; unsettled
E.g. Jìhuà réng xuánérwèijué。
The plan still hangs in the air.
<形容词 adj.> feel anxious; be solicitous
E.g. Zhè wèi zuòjiā dǎsuàn bǎ xuánniàn yīzhí bǎoliú dào zuìhòu。
The author's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the end.