The creator of these amazing metal(金属) works(作品) is retired(退休的) technician(技师) Liu Konghua who lives in Zoucheng(邹城), Shandong Province. Without any pre-design, the talented retiree has drawn his artistic inspiration(灵感) from the scrap(废料) he collected, transforming(改造) abandoned exhaust pipes(管子) into the "Iron Men's" muscles(肌肉) and old vehicle wheels(轮胎) into joints(关节).
词汇 Words:
[zhì zuò] 制作 produce
[fèi qì] 废弃 discard
[gǎi zào] 改造 transform
[yóu xiāng] 油箱 gas tank
[tiě] 铁 iron
[jīn shǔ] 金属 metal
[zuò pǐn] 作品 works
[líng gǎn] 灵感 inspiration
[fèi liào] 废料 scrap
[guǎn zi] 管子 pipe
[lún tāi] 轮胎 wheel
[jī ròu] 肌肉 muscle
[guān jié] 关节 joint
重点词汇 Key word:
<动词 v.> become different; change; transform
E.g. Tiān qì biàn lěng le。
It's getting cold.
<形容词 adj.> changeable; changed
E.g. Qián tú chōng mǎn le biàn shù。
The future is subject to various uncertainties.