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chinese reading - Spring chant--"A Spring Moring"

Profile:Spring is the best season in the year, being faced with the beautiful scenery of springtime, I believe that no one would grudge the kind words. So, let's learn about the poetic expression together.
春天是一年中最好的时节,面对满园春色,相信谁也不会吝惜(lìn xī)赞美之词。让我们一起学习一下富有诗意(shī yì)的表达吧。
Spring is the best season in the year, being faced with the beautiful scenery of springtime,  I believe that no one would grudge the kind words.  So,  let's learn about the poetic expression together.
chūn xiǎo

 春    晓

【tánɡ】 mènɡ hào rán

【 唐 】    孟    浩   然

chūn mián bù jué xiǎo,

 春     眠   不   觉  晓,

chù chù  wén  tí niǎo。

 处    处    闻   啼  鸟。

yè    lái  fēnɡ yǔ shēnɡ,

 夜    来    风   雨  声,

huā luò  zhī  duō shǎo。

 花    落    知   多  少。


A Spring Moring

[the Tang Dynasty] Meng Haoran

I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,

Everywher round me the singing of birds.

But now I remember the night, the storm,

And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.


①春晓:(chūn xiǎo),means a spring moring. 晓,means dawn。

②不觉晓:(bù jué xiǎo),means didn't awared of the coming of morning.

③闻啼鸟:(wén tí niǎo),means hear the voice of birds; 闻,means hear;啼,means birds sing. This is , the right order should be 这是一个倒装句(dào zhuānɡ jù,an inversion),本来应该是“闻鸟啼”(hear the birds sing),为了押韵(yā yùn,rhyme)改为“闻啼鸟”。

④夜来:(yè lái), means in the night. 


关于作者(zuò zhě, the author):孟浩然(689~740)唐代诗人,本名浩,字浩然。襄(xiānɡ)州襄阳人,世称孟襄阳。因他未曾入仕(shì),又称之为孟山人。 生当盛唐,早年有志用世,在仕途困顿、痛苦失望后,尚能自重,不媚(mèi)俗世,以隐士(yǐn shì)终身。曾隐居鹿门山。40岁时,游长安,应进士举不第。曾在太学赋(fù)诗,名动公卿(qīnɡ),一座倾服,为之搁(ɡē)笔。一生经历比较 简单,他诗歌创作的题材也不宽。孟诗绝大部分为五言短篇,多写山水田园和隐逸(yì)、行旅等内容。其中虽不无愤世嫉俗(fèn shì jí sú)之词,而更多属于诗人的自我表现。他和王维并称“王孟”,虽远不如王诗境界广阔,但在艺术上有独特的造诣(zào yì)。有《孟浩然集》三卷,今编诗二卷。

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