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Dialogue - Report the loss of your passport to the local police station!

Profile:Spoken Chinese,汉语口语-Dialogue - Report the loss of your passport to the local police station!
qù pài chū suǒ bào shī hù zhào!
Report the loss of your passport to the local police station!
As soon as you lose your passport in China, whether accidentally or because of theft, you must obtain a police report from a local police station before you can apply for the issuance of a new passport from your country's embassy in China. Following the issuance of a new passport, the Chinese government requires that a new visa be obtained for the new passport. Failure to obtain a new visa can result in a fine or other legal punishment when you try to leave China.

mài kè: gào sù nǐ yī gè bù hǎo de xiāo xi, wǒ bǎ qián bāo gěi diū le.
Mike: I have some bad news. I lost my wallet.

lì li: tài zāo gāo le. zhè dào dǐ shì zěn me huí shì?
Lili: That's too bad. What happened?

mài kè: chī wǔ fàn de shí hòu wǒ bǎ tā là zài cān guǎnr le.
Mike: I forgot it in the restaurant where I had lunch.

lì li: nǐ méi huí qù zhǎo zhǎo huò zhě gěi cān guǎnr dǎ gè diàn huà ma?
Lili: Didn't you go back to the restaurant to look for it, or make a phone call?

mài kè: wǒ huí qù zhǎo guò, dàn cān guǎr rén tài duō, tā zǎo jiù méi yǐng le.
Mike: Yes, I went back for it, but there were too many people there and it was gone.

lì li: bāo lǐ yǒu shén me zhòng yào de dōng xi ma.
Lili: Was there anything important in it?

mài kè: yǒu a, wǒ de hù zhào zài lǐ miàn. nà shì zuì zhòng yào de dōng xi.
Mike: Yeah, my passport; that's the most important thing.

lì li: èn, kàn yàng zi nǐ de qiān zhèng yě děi chóng xīn shēn qǐng le.
Lili: Well, it seems that you will need to apply for a new visa.

mài kè: ào tiān na, zhēn ràng wǒ tóu téng.
Mike: Oh my God! I feel faint.

lì li: nǐ yǒu méi yǒu qù pài chū suǒ bào shī?
Lili: Have you reported the loss to the local police station?

mài kè: hái méi lái de jí ne.
Mike: There has not been enough time to do it yet.

lì li: bié zhāo jí. zán men xiān qù pài chū suǒ bào shī, lǚ xíng bì yào de shǒu xù.
Lili: Don't worry. Let's report it to the local police station first and go through the necessary formalities.

mài kè: wǒ men hái děi qù tàng měi guó zhù huá shǐ guǎn, duì ma?
Mike: And we also have to go to the U.S. Embassy in China, right?

lì li: duì, wǒ men hái děi qù shǐ guǎn bào shī hù zhào, tóng shí shēn qǐng bǔ fā xīn hù zhào hé qiān zhèng.
Lili: Yes. We must report the loss of your passport to the embassy and meanwhile apply for the issue of a new passport and visa.

New Words

派出所 pài chū suǒ: local police station 
报失 bào shī: report the loss of something (to the authorities) 
护照 hù zhào: passport 
签证 qiān zhèng: visa 
消息 xiāo xi: news 
钱包 qián bāo: purse, wallet 
丢失 diū shī: lose, lost 
餐馆 cān guǎnr: restaurant 
或者 huò zhě: or 
重要的 zhòng yào de: important 
看样子 kàn yàng zi: It seems that 
头疼 tóu téng: headache, feel faint 
来不及 lái bù jí: there's not enough time (to do sth.) 
来得及 lái de jí: there's still time (to do sth.) 
履行 lǚ xíng: go through (the procedures or formalities) 
必要的 bì yào de: necessary 
手续 shǒu xù: the procedures or formalities 
美国 měi guó: the United States of America 
使馆 shǐ guǎn: embassy 
同时 tóng shí: meanwhile 
补发 bǔ fā: reissue 
申请 shēn qǐng: apply for 


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