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Dialogue - Beijing Olympic Games 北京奥运会

Profile:d wŭ sh s k běi jīng o yn hu第五十四课 北京奥运会 Lesson Fifty-four Beijing Olympic Games The 29th Olympic Games will

dì wŭ shí sì kè běi jīng ào yùn huì
第五十四课 北京奥运会
Lesson Fifty-four Beijing Olympic Games

The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing from August 8 to 24, 2008. Approximately 10,500 athletes are expected to participate in the Games, with around 20,000 accredited media bringing the Games to the world. So far the preparatory work is progressing smoothly in the host city.


Lì li: Nǐ jiàn guò èr líng líng bā nián ào yùn huì huì huī ma?
Lili: Have you seen the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem?

Mài kè: Jiàn guò, shìi zhōng guó yìn, hěn yǒu tè sè.
Mike: Yes. It is a Chinese Seal, very characteristic.

Lì li: Nǐ zhī dào tā de hán yì ma?
Lili: Do you know what it means?

Mài kè: Zhī dào. Tā de hán yì shì "wǔ dòng de běi jīng".
Mike: Yes, I do. It means "Dancing Beijing".

Lì li: Nǐ zhī dào běi jīng ào yùn huì jí xiáng wù shì shén me ma?
Lili: Do you know anything about Beijing Olympic Games mascots?

Mài kè: Zhīī dào, shì wǔ gè fú wá: bèi bei, jīng jing, huān huan, yíng ying, nī ni.
Mike: Yes. They are five fuwas: Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, Nini.

Lì li: Bǎ wǔ gè fǔ wá de míng zi lián zài yì qǐ, nǐ huì dú chū "běi jīng huān yíng nǐ".
丽丽:把五个福娃的名字连在一起,你会读出 “北京欢迎你”。
Lili: When you put their names together -- Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni -- they say "Welcome to Beijing".

Mài kè: Duì, zhè wǔ gè fú wá fēi cháng kě ài.
Mike: Yes. The five fuwas are very cute.

Lì li: Nǐ jué de běi jīng de ào yùn chǎng guǎn zěn me yàng?
Lili: What do you think of Beijing's Olympic stadiums?

Mài kè: Tǐ yù chǎng guǎn de shè shī hěn hǎo, zǔ zhī gōng zuò yě hěn chū sè.
Mike: The stadiums have very good facilities, and the organizing work is good too.

Lì li: Nǐ duì běi jīng shì mín de yìn xiàng rú hé?
Lili: What is your impression of Beijing's residents?

Mài kè: Běi jīng shì mín hěn yǒu hǎo. Wǒ men zǒu dào nǎr dōu hui shòu dào rè qíng de jiē dài.
Mike: They are very friendly. Wherever we are, they give us a warm welcome.

New Words

奥运会 ào yùn huì: Olympic Games
会徽 huì huī: emblem
中国印 zhōng guó yìn: Chinese Seal
特色 tè sè: characteristic
含义 hán yì: meaning, mean
舞动的 wǔ dòng de: dancing
场馆 chǎng guǎn: stadium
设施 shè shī: facility
组织 zǔ zhī: organize
出色 chū sè: good, extraordinary
印象 yìn xiàng: impression
市民 shì mín: citizen, resident
友好 yǒu hǎo: friendly
接待 jiē dài:receive, welcome


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