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Lesson 164 Family Members (2)

Profile:Lesson 164 Family Members (2)
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M: Da4jia1 hao3. Wo3 shi4 Manli.

S: Wo3 shi4 Stuart. Jin1 tian1 shi4 fu4xi2 ke4.

M: Listen, ting1, and repeat, chong2fu4.

S:We'll start with, That child is 7. 那个孩子七岁 nei4 ge hai2zi qi1 sui4.

M: Or, we can say, 那个小孩儿七岁 nei4 ge xiao3 hai2'er qi1 sui4. And remember ‘boy' and ‘girl'? nan2 hai2zi and 女孩子, or 男孩儿 nan2 hai2'er and 女孩儿 nv3hai2'er. And a little kid is 小孩子 xiao3 hai2zi, or 小孩儿xiao3 hai2'er

S: So, ting1, and chong2fu4 these sentences using xiao3 hai2zi and xiao3 hai2'er.

M: 这个小孩子很可爱 zhei4 ge xiao3 hai2zi hen3 ke3 ai4. Or, 这个小孩儿很可爱 zhei4 ge xiao3 hai2'er hen3 ke3 ai4.

S: wher is that boy? 那个男孩子在哪儿 nei4 ge nan2 hai2zi zai4 nar3? Or, 那个男孩儿在哪儿 nei4 ge nan2 hai2'er zai4 nar3?

M: I don't know, wo3 bu4 zhi1dao4.

S: And we learnt brothers and sisters. xiong1di4jie3mei4. Now can you say, Mrs. Deng, do you have any brothers and sisters?

M: Hen3 hao3. 邓女士,您有兄弟姐妹吗 Deng4 Nv3shi4, nin2 you3 xiong1di4jie3mei4 ma?

S: And if you want to simply ask, Do you have any brothers? You can just say, 你有兄弟吗? ni3 you3 xiong1di4ma?

M: And how do you say, I have one elder brother,two younger brothers? Hen3 hao3. 我有一个哥哥, 两个弟弟 wo3 you3 yi2ge4 ge1ge, liang3 ge4 di4di.

S: And how do you say, Do you have any sisters? Mei2cuo4. 你有姐妹吗?ni3 you3 jie3mei4ma?

M: Now reply, I have no sisters. Fei1chang2 hao3. 我没有姐妹。Wo3 mei2 you3 jie3mei4.

S: And can you say, I have no older sisters, but I have two younger sisters.

M: Very good. 我没有姐姐,但是,我有两个妹妹 wo3 mei2you3 jie3jie, dan4shi4, wo3 you3 liang3 ge mei4mei.

M: Good. Now let's revise ‘dad', which is, dui4le, 爸爸 ba4ba.

S: And ‘mum'. 妈妈 ma1ma。

M: Now say, ‘father and mother'. Hen3 hao3. 父亲和母亲 fu4qin he2 mu3qin.

S: And your 家人 are? …. Right, family members, jia1ren2.

M: And what is a 学校? Mei2 cuo4. A school, xue2xiao4.

S: And what does this mean, 他(她)是教师. Dui4 le. He, or she, is a teacher.

S: And let's finish with a brief dialogue. Ting1 and chong2fu4.

M: 请进 qing3jin.

S: 玛丽, 你好!你的家人都不在吗 ni3de jia1ren2 dou1 bu2 zai4 ma?

M: 都不在, 爸爸和妈妈都在学校 ba1ba he2 ma1ma dou1 zai4 xue2xiao4.

S: 你的父亲和母亲都是教师吗 ni3 de fu4qin1 he2 mu3qin1 dou1 shi4 jiao4shi1 ma?

M: 是的,他们都是教师 shi4 de, ta1men dou1 shi4 jiao4shi1.

S: Get it all? Great. Xian4 zai4 wo3men xia4 ke4. Zai4 jian4. 

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