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Lesson 168 He's a Doctor

Profile:Lesson 168 He's a Doctor
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M: Da4jia1 hao3. Huan1ying2 shou1ting1 Xian4zai4 Xue2 Han4yu3. Wo3 shi4 ML.

S: Wo3 shi4 Stuart.

M: Jin1 tian1 shi4 fu4xi2 ke4. But first, the answer to last lesson's question. What is 数学 shu4xue2. Dui4le. Maths, shu4xue2.

S: Now, back to revision. In lesson 165 ML suddenly got married. Zai4 di4 yi4 bai3 liu4 shi2 wu3 ke4 ML tu1ran2 jie2hun1 le. And decided to be called Chen2 nv3shi4.

M: And Stuart changed from Mr. White, Bai2 xian1sheng1, to Mr. Yellow, Huang2 xian1sheng1.

M: 黄先生来看我了 Huang2 xian1sheng1 lai2 kan4 wo3 le.

S: 陈女士,你的丈夫在吗 Chen2 nv3shi4, ni3 de zhang4fu zai4 ma?

M: 我的丈夫不在 wo3de zhang4fu bu2 zai4. 他在医院 ta1 zai4 yi1yuan4.

S: 他生病了吗 ta1 sheng1bing4 le ma?

M: Mei2 you3. 他是医生 ta1 shi4 yi1sheng1.

S: 啊,他是大夫 ta1 shi4 dai4fu.

S: One new thing. The measure word for hospital is 家jia1. This hospital,这 (zhe) 家医院, or, zhei4 jia1 yi1yuan4.

M: And 位,WEI, fourth tone, wei4, is used as the measure word for people such as doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. So, what does this mean: 那家医院有一百位医生和四百五十位护士 na4 jia1 yi1yuan4 you3 yi4 bai3 wei4 dai4fu he2 si4 bai3 wu3 shi2 wei4 hu4shi.

S: Dui4 le. That hospital has one hundred doctors and four hundred and fifty nurses.

M: 那好,因为我生病了 that's good, cos I'm ill. na4 hao3, yin1wei2 wo3 sheng1bing4 le.

S: 你病了ni3 bing4 le! Have another break.

S: Now, remembering that ‘work' or ‘job' is 工作gong1zuo4, how do you ask, What job do you do?

M: Hen3 hao3. 你是做什么工作的 ni3 shi4 zuo4 shen2me gong1zuo4 de?

S: We also learnt to say ‘wife', which is? Mei2 cuo4. 妻子 QI ZI qi1zi3. So everybody say, He is a doctor, his wife is a nurse.

M: Fei1chang2 hao3. 他是医生,他的妻子是护士 ta1 shi4 yi1sheng, ta1 de qi1zi3 shi4 hu4shi.

S: And what does this mean? 我的爱人很漂亮 wo3 de ai4ren2 hen3 piao4liang4.

M: Dui4le. My wife, husband or sweetheart, is very pretty. Em, I suppose handsome would be a better word to use for husband. Never mind.

S: Now say, My sweetheart, or wife or hubby, is at the hospital.

M: Dui4le. 我的爱人在医院 wo3 de ai4ren2 zai4 yi1yuan4.

S: 那不方便 remember方便? Yes, convenient, fang1bian.

M: So everybody say, That's very convenient. Mei2 cuo4, 那很方便 na4 hen3 fang1bian.

S: Now say, That's very inconvenient. Hen3 hao3. 那很不方便 na4 hen3 bu4 fang1bian.

S: Before we go, what are primary school, middle school and university?

M: Dui4 le, 小学 xiao3xue2, 中学 zhong1xue2, and 大学 da4xue2.

S: And we'll do more school things next lesson.

M: Xian4 zai4 wo3men xia4 ke4. Zai4 jian4.

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