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Embroidery 刺绣

Profile:Embroidery (cì xiù 刺绣), a folk art with a history of more than 3000 years, has an important position in the history of Chinese arts and crafts.
Embroidery (cì xiù 刺绣), a folk art with a history of more than 3000 years, has an important position in the history of Chinese arts and crafts. On a piece of silk or cloth, people embroider all kinds of beautiful pictures and patterns with threads of silk, wool or cotton. Among various kinds of embroidery, the best products come from four provinces: Jiangsu (jiāng sū 江苏), Hunan (hú nán 湖南), Guangdong (guǎng dōng 广东) and Sichuan (sì chuān 四川).

Suzhou EmbroiderySuzhou Embroidery, or Su Xiu (sū xiù 苏绣), has a history of more than 2000 years. Suzhou artists are able to use more than 40 ways of needling and 1000 different types of threads to make flowers, birds, animals and even gardens on a piece of cloth. Su embroidery features a strong, folk flavor and its weaving techniques are characterized by the following: the product surface must be flat, the rim must be neat, the needle must be thin, the lines must be dense, the color must be harmonious and bright and the picture must be even. Su embroidery products fall into three major categories: costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use, which integrate decorative and practical Hunan Embroideryvalues. Double-sided embroidery is an excellent representative of Su embroidery. The best-known work is an embroidered cat with bright eyes and fluffy hair, looking vivid and lifelike.

Hunan Embroidery, or Xiang Xiu (xiāng xiù 湘绣), has a history of at least 2000 years as well. Since artists of traditional Chinese painting are involved in designing pictures and patterns. Xiang embroidery is well known for its time-honored history, excellent craftsmanship and unique style. Xiang embroidery uses pure silk, hard satin, soft satin and nylon as its material, which is connected with colorful silk threads. Absorbing the spirit of Chinese paintings, the embroidery reaches a high artistic level. Xiang embroidery crafts include valuable works of art, as well as materials for daily use.

Guangdong Embroidery, or Yue Xiu (yuè xiù 粤绣), dates back to at least 1000 years. Guangdong EmbroideryInfluenced by national folk art, Yue embroidery formed its own unique characteristics. The embroidered pictures are mainly of dragons and phoenixes, and flowers and birds, with neat designs and strong, contrasting colors. Floss, thread and gold-and-silk thread embroidery are used to produce costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use. Guangdong Embroidery is usually colorful and bright with neat patterns, with a dragon and phoenix predominating among the images. Prominent works are “Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix” (bǎi niǎo cháo fèng 百鸟朝凤) and “Screen of Nine Dragons”(jiǔ lóng píng fēng 九龙屏风).

Sichuan EmbroiderySichuan Embroidery, or Shu Xiu (shǔ xiù 蜀绣), became known as early as 1000 years ago. Originating among the folk people in the west of Sichuan Province, Shu embroidery formed its own unique characteristics: smooth, bright, neat and influenced by the geographical environment, customs and cultures. The works incorporated flowers, leaves, animals, mountains, rivers and human figures as their themes. Altogether, there are 122 approaches in 12 categories for weaving. The craftsmanship of Shu embroidery involves a combination of fine arts, aesthetics and practical uses, such as the facings of quits, pillowcases, coats, shoots and screen covers. The exemplary work are “Hibiscus and Carps”(fú róng lǐ yú 芙蓉鲤鱼) and “Roosters and Coxcomb”(gōng jī jī guān huā 公鸡鸡冠花).

Apart from the above four types, fine embroidery is also made in Beijing (běi jīng 北京), Wenzhou (wēn zhōu 温州), Shanghai (shàng hǎi 上海) and by the Miao ethnic communities (miáo zú 苗族).

Embroidery      刺绣,古称针绣,是用绣针引彩线,按设计的花纹在纺织品上刺绣运针,以绣迹构成花纹图案的一种工艺。古代称“黹”、“针黹”。因刺绣多为妇女所作,故又名"女红"。刺绣是中国古老的手工技艺之一,我国的手工刺绣工艺,已经有2000多年历史了。据《尚书》载,远在4000多年前的章服制度,就规定“衣画而裳绣”。至周代,有“绣缋共职”的记载。湖北和湖南出土的战国、两汉的绣品,水平都很高。唐宋刺绣施针匀细,设色丰富,盛行用刺绣作书画,饰件等。明清时封建王朝的宫廷绣工规模很大,民间刺绣也得到进一步发展,先后产了苏绣、粤绣、湘绣、蜀绣,号称“四大名绣”。四大名绣最能直接体现中国刺绣的特色和艺术价值。


Embroidery     湘绣是以湖南长沙为中心的刺绣品的总称。是在湖南民间刺绣的基础上,吸取了苏绣和粤绣的优点而发展起来的。清代嘉庆年间,长沙县就有很多妇女从事刺绣,光绪二十四年(1898),优秀绣工胡莲仙的儿子吴汉臣,在长沙开设第一家自绣自销的“吴彩霞绣坊”,作品精良,流传各地,湘绣从而闻名全国。湘绣的特点是用丝绒线(无拈绒线)绣花,劈丝细致,绣件绒面花型具有真实感。常以中国画为蓝本,色彩丰富鲜艳,十分强调颜色的阴阳浓淡,形态生动逼真,风格豪放,曾有“绣花能生香,绣鸟能听声,绣虎能奔跑,绣人能传神”的美誉。湘绣以特殊的鬅毛针绣出的狮、虎等动物,毛丝有力、威武雄健。


Embroidery      又名“川绣”。是以四川成都为中心的刺绣品的总称。历史悠久。据晋代常璩《华阳国志》载,当时蜀中刺绣已很闻名,同蜀锦齐名,都被誉为蜀中之宝。清代道光时期,蜀绣已形成专业生产,成都市内发展有很多绣花铺,既绣又卖。蜀绣以软缎和彩丝为主要原料。题材内容有山水、人物、花鸟、虫鱼等。针法经初步整理,有套针、晕针、斜滚针、旋流针、参针、棚参针、编织针等100多种。品种有被面、枕套、绣衣、鞋面等日用品和台屏、挂屏等欣赏品。蜀绣的特点:形象生动,色彩鲜艳,富有立体感,短针细密,针脚平齐,片线光亮,变化丰富,具有浓厚的地方特色。蜀绣中以绣制龙凤软缎被面和传统产品《芙蓉鲤鱼》最为著名。


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