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Stone Lion 石狮

Profile:Stone Lion 石狮
The earliest stone lion (shí shī 石狮) was discovered in a Eastern Han Dynasty tomb in Ya'an (yǎ ān 雅安), Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). During the Ming Dynasty (míng cháo 明朝) stone lions were placed in front of palaces, government buildings, temples and even some rich family mansions to display power. Later, stone lion designs were carved as decoration on important architectural features such as door lintels and eaves. Beijing now has many stone lions made during the Ming and Qing (qīng 清) dynasties. These lions do not seem powerful and wild, but rather are kindly and gentle.

Stone Lion in Forbidden CityThe lion was regarded as the king in the animal world so its imagines represented power and prestige. The first lion was presented to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty (dōng hàn 东汉) by a king from the Western Regions (xī yù 西域).

In the Buddhist faith, the lion is considered a divine animal of nobleness and dignity, which can protect the truth and keep off evils. In Chinese folk tales, the lion has become a symbol of bravery, power and good luck. For this reason the stone lions are popular among the people and are commonly seen in front of the gates of ordinary families’ homes. The male lion is on the left with his right paw resting on a ball, and the female on the right with her left paw fondling a cub. The ball played by the male lion symbolized the Stone Lionunity of the empire, and the cub with the female thriving offspring.

It was also popular to decorate bridges with sculpted-stone lions for the same reason. The best known of this is the Lugouqiao Bridge (also as Marco Polo Bridge, lú gōu qiáo 卢沟桥), built from 1189 to 1192. The stone lions on the posts of the bridge are most famous. It is said there are 485 lions in all, but there may be 498 or 501. A famous proverb says "the lions on the Lugouqiao are uncountable."


Stone Lion on Lugouqiao Bridge      从宋清两代搜集的周代铜器的精绘印本中,已有狮子的立体形象。据说狮子是从西域传来的。相传东汉年间,狮子被作为礼物送给中国的皇帝。随着佛教的传入中国,被佛教推崇的狮子在人们心目中成了高贵尊严的灵兽,中国很快从印度等地学到了石狮子的雕刻艺术,并且出现陈列墓前的现象。如四川雅安县高颐墓前的石狮子,就是中国现存最古老的石狮子,是东汉时期的遗物。所以狮子在中国更多地是作为一种神话中的动物出现的,和麒麟一起成为中国的Stone Lion灵兽。唐代高僧慧琳说:“狻猊即狮子也,出西域。”到唐代时,石狮子雕刻艺术达到了顶峰。由于采用传神的创作方法,石狮子完全中国化了。中国的雕刻艺术大师将石狮子雕刻得异常壮丽,而且逼真:头披卷毛,张嘴扬颈,四爪强劲有力,神态盛气凌人……


The face of a stone lion      狮子在民间有辟邪的作用,常用来守门。看门的石狮子的摆放是有规矩的。一般来说,都是一雄一雌,成双成对的,而且一般都是左雄右雌,符合中国传统男左女右的阴阳哲学。放在门口左侧的雄狮一般都雕成右前爪玩弄绣球或者两前爪之间方一个绣球;门口右侧雌狮则雕成左前爪抚摸幼狮或者两前爪之间卧一幼狮。狮子又是兽中之王,有显示尊贵和威严的作用,按照传统习俗,成对的狮子是左雄右雌,还可以从狮子所踩之物来辨别,蹄下为球,象征统一寰宇和无上权利,必为雄狮。蹄下踩Stone Lion着幼狮,象征子孙绵延,是雌狮。如果狮子所蹲之石刻着凤凰和牡丹,鸟中之王,花中之王,就称“三王之狮”。


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