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Chinese Daily Communication 汉语日常对话 06 Asking the Time

Profile:Chinese Daily Communication 汉语日常对话 06 Asking the Time
问时间(wèn shí jiān)
Asking the Time     

(1)现在几点(xiàn zài jǐ diǎn)?

What time is it now?


(2)今天几号(jīn tiān jǐ hào)?

What is the date today?


(3)明天星期几(míng tiān xīng qī jǐ)?

What day is tomorrow?


(4)你什么时候有空儿(nǐ shén me shí hòu yǒu kòng er)?                                     

When do you have free time?


(5)周末我没有时间(zhōu mò wǒ méi yǒu shí jiān).                     

I do not have free time at the weekend.


(6)你们从几点到几点上班(nǐ men cóng jǐ diǎn dào jǐ diǎn shàng)?                             When do you start and finish work?


(7)我明天九点来找你(wǒ míng tiān jiǔ diǎn lái zhǎo nǐ).                                 Tomorrow at nine o'clock I'll come to meet you.


(8)请你今天晚上八点以后给我打电话(qǐng nǐ jīn tiān wǎn shang bā diǎn yǐ).                  Please give me a telephone call after 8 p.m this evening.


(9)你等了多久了(nǐ děng le duō jiǔ le)?

 How long have you been waiting?


(10)我们在这儿学习一个月(wǒ men zài zhè er xué xí yí gè yuè).    

We will study here for one month.


(11)火车几点开(huǒ chē jǐ diǎn kāi)?

What time dose the train leave?


(12)飞机什么时候起飞(fēi jī shénme shí hòu qǐ fēi)?

When dose the plane take off?


(13)明天几点到上海(míng tiān jǐ diǎn dào shàng hǎi)?    

 What time will you arrive in Shanghai tomorrow?


(14)你们哪天回国(nǐmen nǎ tiān huí guó)?                                                                            

When will you return to your country?


(15)你打算什么时候再来(nǐ dǎsuan shénme shí hòu zài lái)?                                                    

When do you intend to come back?

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