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Chinese story 孟郊的故事——母爱深深 Mother’s love for her child

Profile:孟郊的故事——母爱深深 Mother’s love for her child

  1 中国唐代有一位诗人,名叫孟郊。    
In the Tang Dynasty(618-907), there was a poet called Meng Jiao.

  2 孟郊通过考试做了官,于是把母亲接到了自己身边。
Meng became an official by passing the national examination and brought his mother with him to his official residence.

  3 一天,孟郊想起当年进京考试,母亲为自己做衣服的情景。
 One day, Meng remembered the days his mother made clothes for him before he went to take the examinations.

  4 深夜里,母亲一针一线地做衣服,密密麻麻的针脚里缝进了对儿子深深的爱。
Late at night, the mother spun much yarn and worked with deep affection to make clothes for him.

  5 于是,孟郊为母亲写了一首诗,表达自己对母亲的感激之情。这首诗就是《游子吟》。
 Eventually, Meng Jiao wrote a poem titled, “Song of the Traveler” to express his thanks to his mother for all she had done.

  Let's Learn Together   
游子吟                                              Song of the Traveler
  慈母手中线,                            The thread moves in the hand of the kind mother 
游子身上衣。                            To weave clothes for the traveler to wear.
临行密密缝,                            As the mother plies her needle with much care,
意恐迟迟归。                            Anxiety for her son's tarry out so troubles her mind.
谁言寸草心,                            Oh, can the tender plant have enough to pay,
报得三春晖。                            For the sunshine of so many a spring day?

  New Words
  游子:离家在外的人。Traveler, man traveling in a place far away from home  
归:回。return, go back
寸草:比喻非常微小。small, little, tiny    
报:报答。repay, pay back    晖:阳光  the sunshine
三春:指春天的孟春、仲春、季春。The spring, namely, the first month of spring, the midspring and the last month of spring

  Reading Comprehension
1.母亲为谁做衣服?For whom did the mother make clothes?       
(a)丈夫    (b)儿子

  2.孟郊为母亲写了一首诗,诗名是什么?What is the title of Meng Jiao’s poem to his mother?       
(a)《游子吟》  (b)《相思》

  Read and Recite
  1.Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.
  线  衣
  慈母手中  ,游子身上  

  2.Copy the sentence according to the poem.
  Shi yn cn cǎo xīn bo d sān chūn huī

  3.Try to write the poem by yourself.
  慈母手中  ,游子身上  
谁言寸草  ,报得  晖。


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