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Chinese language vocabulary 汉语词汇 The Donkey of Guizhou


qiánzhōnɡdào zhèɡe dìfānɡ yuánlái méiyǒu lǘzi,yǒu ɡe xǐhàoduōshìde rén yònɡ chuán yùnzàile yìtóulǘ jìnrù qiándì 。yùndàohòu què méiyǒu shénme yònɡchù,bǎtā fànɡzhìzài shānxià。lǎohǔ jiàndào tā,yíkàn yuánlái shì ɡe jùdàde dònɡwù,bǎtā dānɡzuò shénqíde dōnɡxi。yúshì yǐncánɡzài shùlínzhōnɡ tōutōukàn tā。lǎohǔ jiànjiànde zǒuchūlái jiējìn tā,shífēn xiǎoxīnjǐnshèn,bùzhīdào tāshì shénme dōnɡxi。

yìtiān,lǘzi yìshēnɡ chánɡmínɡ,lǎohǔ fēichánɡ hàipà,yuǎnyuǎndì táozǒu;rènwéi lǘzi jiānɡyào yǎozìjǐ,fēichánɡ kǒnɡjù。ráněr lǎohǔ láiláiwǎnɡwǎnɡ deɡuānchá tā,juéde lǘzi hǎoxiànɡ méiyǒu shénme tèshū de běnlǐnɡ sìde;jiànjiàndì xíɡuànle tāde jiàoshēnɡ;kàojìn tā qiánqiánhòuhòudì zǒudònɡ;dànlǎohǔ shǐzhōnɡ bùɡǎn hélǘzi bójī。mànmàndì lǎohǔ yòu kàojìnle lǘzi,tàidù ɡènɡwéi suíbiàn,pènɡcāyǐkào、chōnɡzhuànɡmàofàn tā。lǘ fēichánɡ fènnù, yònɡ tízi tī lǎohǔ。lǎohǔ yīncǐ ér xīnxǐ,pánsuàn  cǐshì,xīnxiǎnɡ:“(lǘzi)běnlǐnɡ zhǐbúɡuò rúcǐbàle!” yúshì tiàoyuè qǐlái,dàshēnɡ hǒujiào ,yǎoduàn lǘde hóulónɡ,chīwánle tāde ròu,cái líqù。hòulái,dàjiā jiùbǎ zhèzhī lǘzi zàiqiándì bèi lǎohǔ chīdiàode zhèɡe ɡùshi yǎnbiànchénɡ “qiánlǘzhī jì” zhèjù chénɡyǔ,bǐyù rén yǒuxiànde yìdiǎn běnlǐnɡ yǐjīnɡ yònɡwán。yěshuō “qiánlǘjìqiónɡ”。
一天,驴子一声长鸣,老虎非常害怕,远远地逃走;认为驴子将要咬自己,非常恐惧。然而老虎来来往往地观察它,觉得驴子好像没有什么特殊的本领似的;渐渐地 习惯了它的叫声;靠近它前前后后地走动;但老虎始终不敢和驴子搏击。慢慢地老虎又靠近了驴子,态度更为随便,碰擦倚靠、冲撞冒犯它。驴非常愤怒,用蹄子踢 老虎。老虎因此而欣喜,盘算此事,心想到:“(驴子的)本领只不过如此罢了!”于是跳跃起来,大声吼叫,咬断驴的喉咙,吃完了它的肉,才离去。后来,大家 就把这只驴子在黔地被老虎吃掉的这个故事演变成“黔驴之技”这句成语,比喻人有限的一点本领已经用完。也说“黔驴技穷”。



The Donkey of Guizhou

once upon a time there were no donkeys in guizhou.Someone officious took one there byboat,but finding no use for it,he set it looseat the foot of the mountains.

A tiger ran out from the mountains.When he saw this big tall thing,he thought it must bedivine.He quickly hid himself in the forest and surveyed the donkey from under cover.Sometimesthe tiger ventured a little nearer,stillkeeping a respectful distance however.

One day the tiger came out again.Just thenthe donkey suddenly gave a loud bray.Thinkingthat the donkey was going to eat him,the tigerhurriedly ran away.After a while he stealthilycame back and watched the donkey's actionscarefully.He found that though the donkey hada huge body he seemed to have no special ability.

After a few days the tiger gradually becameaccustomed to the donkey's braying and was nolonger so afraid.Sometimes he came down themountain and circled around the donkey.

Later the tiger became bolder.once hewalked in front of the donkey and purposedly bumped the donkey.This made the donkey veryangry.He not only brayed loudly,but struck out his hind legs and kicked wildly.Seeing this,the tiger thought gleefully:"Such a big thing asyou can only do so little!"With a loud roar hepounced on the donkey and ate him up.


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