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第十二课 去网吧 Go to an Internet Café

Profile:第十二课 去网吧 Dì shí èr kè qù wăngbā Lesson 12 Go to an Internet Café
第十二课 去网吧
Dì shí èr kè qù wăngbā
Lesson 12 Go to an Internet Café

Beginner Level / 初级chūjí
A:打扰一下,请问 "Internet Café"用汉语怎么说?
      Dărăo yī xià, qĭngwèn "Internet Café" yòng hànyŭ zĕnme shuō?
      Excuse me, how to say "Internet Café" in Chinese?
      Ò, zhège ya, wŏmen jiào wăngbā.
      Well, we say "wăngbā."

生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:  
网吧(wăngbā): n Internet Cafe 
通常(tōngcháng): ad usually 

Intermediate Level/中级zhōngjí
      Hài, lù xī, nĭ wăn shàng shàng wăng de jīng lì duō ma?
      Hi, Lucy, have you had many experiences surfing on Internet in the evening?
      Shì de, hĕn duō, ér qiĕ wŏ jīng cháng shàng dào shēn yè.
      Yes, many, I often surf the Interne late at night.
      Wà, nĭ jīng lì zhēn wàng shèng, shuì nà me shăo nán dào nĭ bù jué de lèi ma?
      Wow, you are really full of energy and won't you feel tired as you sleep so little?
      Méiyŏu, wŏ jué dé tĭng yŏuqù de.
      No, because I think it's very interesting to do that.

生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary: 
经历(jīnglì): n experience 
精力(jīnglì): n energy 

High Level /高级gāojí
      Hāi, jié kè, zĕnme zhème chóuméikŭliăn de?
      Hi, Jack, what's wrong with you since you look very worried?
      Ài, bié tí le, zuìjìn mángzhe fābù wénzhāng, wŏ de diànnăo què wúfă liánwăng le.
      Oh, don't mention it. I am busy with publishing an media article, but the Internet doesn't work.
      Ò, yuánlái shì zhème huíshì. Shìqíng hĕn jĭnjí ma?
      I see. Is that very urgent?
      Shì de, zài guò liăngtiān jiùyào fābù le.
      Yes, the article will be released in two days.
      Rúguŏ nĭ zháojí de huà, kĕyĭ qù wăngbā.
      If you are worried, you can go to an Internet cafe.
      Wăngbā? Wŏ duì zhè er bùshú, nĭ zhīdào fùjìn nălĭ yŏu wăngbā ma?
      Internet cafe? I am not familiar about the area here; do you know any Internet cafe nearby?
      Wényì lù dōngbiān yŏu gè xiăo măyĭ wăngbā, nĭ kĕyĭ qù nàlĭshàngwăng.
      There is an Internet Cafe called Little Ants on the east of Wenyi Road and you can go there.
      Tài hăo le, xièxie nĭ de tíxĭng. Duì le, nàge wăngbā wăngsù zĕnmeyàng?
      Great, thank you for reminding me. By the way, what about the Internet connection speed?
      Wăngsù hĕn kuài, wŏ jīngcháng qù nàlĭ.
      It is great, and I often go there.
      Nà jiù hăo. Nàme yí gè xiăoshí duōshăo qián?
      That is fine. And how much does it cost per hour?
      Búshì hĕn guì, sān kuài qián yī gè xiăoshí.
      It is not so expensive, three yuan per hour.
      Hăo de, wŏ xiàwŭ jiù qù.
      Okay, I will go to the Internet Cafe this afternoon.

生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary: 
愁眉苦脸(chóuméikŭliăn): adj to look very worried 
上网(shàngwăng): v surf the Internet   
网速(wăngsù): n speed of the Internet connection 

用法(yòngfă) Usage:
哪里(nălĭ) &那里(nàlĭ) 
哪里(nălĭ) is usually used in the following situations:
a. To ask about the location, i.e. wher.
     e.g. 他去哪儿了?
            Tā qù năér le?
            wher is he?
b. To express modesty, i.e. not at all or it's nothing.
     e.g. —你的新娘真漂亮! 
            Nĭ de xīnniáng zhēn piàoliang!
            You bride is really beautiful.
            Nălĭ nălĭ, guòjiăng le.
            Not at all. You are flattering me.
那里(nàlĭ) refers to a place, i.e. there.
     e.g. —我的书在哪里?
            Wŏ de shū zài nălĭ?
            wher is my book?
            Bú jiù zài nàlĭ me!
            It is right over there!

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