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第十四课 谈球赛 Talk about Sports Games

Profile:第十四课 谈球赛 Dì shí sì kè tán qiúsài Lesson 14 Talk about Sports Games
第十四课 谈球赛  
Dì shí sì kè tán qiúsài
Lesson 14 Talk about Sports Games

Beginner Level/初级 chūjí  
A: 嗨,几天没见你,还以为你消失了呢!  
    Hāi, jĭ tiān méi jiàn nĭ, hái yĭwéi nĭ xiāoshīle ne!
    Hi, long time no see. I thought you had disappeared.
B: 怎么会呢,我忙着看球赛呢。     
    Zĕnme huì ne, wŏ mángzhe kàn qiúsài ne.
    How could I? I am busy watching the ball games.
A: 什么球赛呀,看把你忙的。    
    Shénme qiúsài ya, kàn bă nĭ máng de.
    What ball games? You're so busy!
B: 斯坦科维奇杯。      
    Sītănkēwéiqí Bēi.
     The Stankovic Continental Champions Cup.

生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:      
忙(máng): adj busy       
消失(xiāoshī): v to disappear       

Intermediate Level/中级 zhōngjí      
A: 好久没见你了,这几天忙什么呢?       
    Hăo jiŭ méi jiàn nĭ le, zhè jĭ tiān máng shénme ne?
    Long time no see. What have you been up to these past few days?
B: 那还用问,当然是看斯坦科维奇杯了。    
    Nà hái yòng wèn, dāngrán shì kàn Sītănkēwéiqí Bēi le.
    Of course I have been watching the Stankovic Continental Champions Cup.
A: 斯坦科维奇杯,最近好像很多人都在看。     
    Sītănkēwéiqí Bēi, zuìjìn hăoxiàng hĕn duō rén dōu zài kàn.
    The Stankovic Continental Champions Cup? It seems that a lot of people have been watching it lately.
B: 那是,这个比赛是一直在中国举办的国际性比赛。    
    Nà shì, zhè ge bĭsài shì yìzhí zài zhōngguó jŭbàn de guójì xìng bĭsài.
    Certainly! This tournament is held in China every time.
A: 很遗憾,我没有时间看直播的,错过了很多精彩比赛。     
    Hĕn yíhàn, wŏ méiyŏu shíjiān kàn zhíbō de, cuòguò le hĕnduō jīngcăi bĭsài.
    It's a pity that I have no time to watch it live and have missed so many wonderful games.

生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:     
最近(zuìjìn): adv recently       
举办(jŭbàn): v to hold      
遗憾(yíhàn): n pity       

Advanced level/高级 gāojí       
A: 一直找你呢,我抽时间看了看斯坦科维奇杯,的确很精彩。     
    Yīzhí zhăo nĭ ne, wŏ chōu shíjiān kàn le kàn Sītănkēwéiqí Bēi, díquè hĕn jīngcăi.
    I've been looking for you these days. I've been watching the Stankovic Continental Champions Cup, and it is really
B: 四天的激战真够刺激的,想着都兴奋。    
    Sì tiān de jīzhàn zhēn gòu cìjī de, xiăng zhe dōu xīngfèn.
    I'm also excited about the four days of heated competition.
A: 是啊,我看的时候一直在喊加油。     
    Shì a, wŏ kàn de shíhou yīzhí zài hăn jiāyóu.
    Yes, I've been shouting and cheering while watching.
B: 你都想象不到我们看直播的场面呢,可壮观了。     
    Nĭ dōu xiăngxiàng bú dào wŏmen kàn zhíbō de chăngmiàn ne, kĕ zhuàngguān le.
    You can't imagine the scene we make when we're watching it live. So spectacular!
A: 不就是啦啦队的架势呗,又喊又唱又跳的。     
    Bú jiù shì lālāduì de jiàshi bei, yòu hăn yòu chàng yòu tiào de.
    Just like cheerleading, there's shouting, singing and dancing.

生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:    
的确(díquè): adv really; certainly       
刺激(cìjī): adj exciting       
兴奋(xīngfèn): v to excite; to warm up       
壮观(zhuàngguān): adj wonderful; spectacular       
架势(jiàshi): n posture; stance; manner  

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