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第十五课 讲价 Bargaining

Profile:第十五课 讲价 Dì shí wŭ kè jiăngjià Lesson 15 Bargaining

第十五课 讲价
Dì shí wŭ kè jiăngjià
Lesson 15 Bargaining

Beginner Level / 初级chūjí
gùkè: Qĭngwèn zhè tiáo kùzi duōshăo qián?
Customer: Excuse me, how much are these pants?
shòuhuòyuán: Yībăi sānshí yuán.
Shop Assistant: 130.
gùkè: Yŏu zhékòu ma?
Customer: Any discount?
生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:
裤子(kùzi): n pants, trousers
顾客(gùkè): n customer
售货员(shòuhuòyuán): n shop assistant
折扣(zhékòu): n discount
用法(yòngfă) Usage:
"条"(tiáo) is a qualifier. It is frequently used in phrases like:
"一条围巾"(yī tiáo wéijīn) one scarf
"一条鱼" (yī tiáo yú) one fish
"一条船"(yī tiáo chuán) one boat
Intermediate Level / 中级zhōngjí
gù kè: Qĭngwèn zhè xiāngjiāo duōshăo qián yì jīn?
Customer: Excuse me, how much are these bananas?
shòuhuòyuán: Liùyuán yì gōng jīn. Zhèxiē xiāngjiāo hĕn xīnxiān de.
Shop Assistant: Six yuan per kilogram. These bananas are quite fresh.
gùkè: Jiàqián néng zài shăo diăn ma? Wŏ xūyào măi hĕnduō.
Customer: Can it be a little cheaper. I need a lot.
shòuhuòyuán: Bùhăoyìsi, wŏmen zhèlĭ de shāngpĭn dōu shì míngmăbiāojià de.
Shop Assistant: I am sorry; our prices are all final prices.
生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:
新鲜(xīnxiān): adj fresh
香蕉(xiāngjiāo): n banana
价钱(jiàqián): n price
明码标价(míngmăbiāojià): adj with final price displayed
Advanced Level / 高级gāojí
gùkè: Néng bă nàshuāng hēisè de păoxié ná gĕi wŏ kàn yīxià ma?
Customer: Excuse me; would you show me the black running shoes?
shòuhuòyuán: Gĕi nín. Zhè shuāng xié wŏmen háiyŏu báisè, hèsè hé lánsè. Nín háiyào kànkan biéde yánsè ma?
Shop Assistant: Here you are. The other colors of these shoes are white, brown and blue. Are you interested?
gùkè: Nà wŏ hái xiăng kànkan báisè de? Wŏ yào qīhào de.
Customer: Can I have a look at the white ones. I need size seven.
shòuhuòyuán: Gĕi nín. Nín kéyĭ shìshì.
Shop Assistant: Here you are. You can have a try.
gùkè: Tĭng héshì de. Qĭngwèn zhè xiézi duōshăo qián?
Customer: They are suitable for me. How much are they?
shòuhuò yuán: Érbăi èrshí yuán.
Shop Assistant: 220 yuan.
gùkè: Wŏ juédé yŏudiăn guì le. Néng shăodiăn ma?
Customer: It is a little high. Could you cut it down a little bit?
shòuhuòyuán: Nà jiù liăngbăi ba.
Shop Assistant: How about two hundreds yuan?
gùkè: Liăngbăi yuán háishì yŏudiăn guì le! Yìbăi liùshí yuán néng mài ma?
Customer: It is still a little expensive. Could you sell it at 160?
shòuhuòyuán: Bùhăoyìsi , liăngbăi yuán shì wŏmen de zuìdījià le! Zhè ge jiàqián hĕn zhí le. Zhè xié hĕn shūfu.
Shop Assistant: Sorry, 200 is our lowest price. These shoes are very comfortable and worth this price.
gùkè: Nà hăo ba! Wŏ jiù yào zhè shuāng báisè de le.
Customer: OK! I will take the white shoes.
生词(shēngcí) Vocabulary:
舒服(shūfu): adj comfortable
合适(héshì): adj/v suitable/fit
用法(yòngfă) Usage:
"把"(bă)字句式的用法(sentences with the word "把"bă)
In the sentences with "把"(bă), the subject comes before the word "把"bă and the object follows. Sentences with "把"bă is in the active voice.
eg. 我把那本小说看完了。
      Wŏ bă nà bĕn xiăoshuō kàn wán le.
      I have finished this novel.
      Mă Lì bă fángjiān bùzhì dé piàoliàng jí le.
      Mary has delicately decorated the room.


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