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black tie 黑色领结 very formal dressing for fancy formal party,相关词语还有evening gown 晚礼服

black belt 黑带 expert especially in martial art

in the black 赢利 It means someone is doing well in business/businesses that are financially solvent 例如 He moved the company into the black. 他让公司扭亏为盈。它的反义词是in the red,意思是in debt

black-hearted 黑心肠,邪恶

black sheep 害群之马 bad member of the family  

black market 黑市 illegal trade 

blackmail  敲诈,勒索 obtain sth. by threat 
blacklist 列入黑名单

black as skillet  
black as coal    
black as night 
black as a stack of black cats
black as pitch

dark 多形容心情和环境 The park is dark today because there is no moon and no stars.
例如 He has dark thoughts. dark thoughts 这里指 evil thoughts

blackout 停电,也可以指 lose consciousness 例如 He blackout for almost a minute. After the accident, he could remember what happened. 

blackout也有涂黑遮掩的意思,例如 The date on the letter had been blacked out. 
black mark besides one’s name 指的是sth. negative associated with the person 
Oops, I made the same mistake again. I’ve got another black mark beside my name now.

black and blue 意思是有瘀青,badly bruised 例如 I knocked my hands on the other day onto the wooden chair. It turns black and blue. 也可以指精神上受到伤害, 例如 He is still black and blue from his divorce.

swear black and blue 发誓  例如 He swore black and blue that he had nothing to do with the money that is missing.

black eye 意思是 bruise near the eye from being struck 例如 He gave someone a black eye when somebody hit him. 也可以指 harm done to one’s character or reputation 例如 Mary got a black eye because she was lying.

black box, a device for automatic recording of the details inside an airplane or helicopter
“黑匣子”是飞机专用的电子记录设备之一,名为航空飞行记录器。里面装有飞行数据记录器和舱声录音器。例如 They found the black box from the wreckage of the crashed plane. 

Two blacks do not make a white. 两黑不能合成一白;积非不能成是

Pot is calling the kettle black one. 意思是You should not criticize someone for a fault that you have too.五十步笑百步
put sth. down in black and white  立个字据 

black day 黑色日子 a day when something very unpleasant sad happens

black Friday 美国感恩节的第二天,通常叫做黑色星期五(Black Friday),它标志着圣诞购物季的开始。

black and white 意思是 straightforward 事情很简单黑白分明,不会拐弯抹角
类似的说法还有 swear up and down (美) swear blind (英) 

black 还有一个意思是the trend of the season 现在正流行,例如 Brown is the new black.


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