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交管部门表示,11月3日至12日期间,每天3时至24时,本市核发号牌机动车在本市行政区域内道路按车牌尾号实行单号单日、双号双日行驶(implement the odd- and even-numbered license plate restriction)。同时暂停实施尾号轮换限行措施(restriction based on the last digit of license plate numbers)。


在此期间,进京的外地号牌车辆(non-local vehicles) 除遵守单双号限行外,还得同时遵守工作日7时至9时、17时至20时,禁止在五环路以内道路(含五环路)行驶。

Beijing Municipality will launch an odd-even license plate system to ease traffic on roads during the forthcoming APEC meetings. The traffic control system will allow cars to drive on alternating days based on odd or even license plate numbers from Nov. 3 to 12.

在11月3日至11月6日的机动车单双日限行的工作日,公交集团拟增加400辆车,提升2%公交运力(public transport capacity),保障市民正常出行。

During this period, the city will increase the number of buses by 400, or 2 percent of total public transport capacity, to ensure public transit.

同时,为保障APEC会议进行,经国务院批准,在京中央和国家机关、事业单位和社会团体以及北京市机关、事业单位和社会团体,于11月7日至12日调休放假,共6天。按照调休放假方案,2日(周日)、15日(周六)上班。北京行政区域内的企业和其他社会组织,可根据实际情况自行安排 (make one’s own arrangement)。

The State Council and Beijing authorities have approved a six-day holiday from work from Nov. 7 to 12 for workers in government departments and institutions in the city during the APEC meetings. However, they will be required to work Sunday, Nov. 2 and Saturday, Nov. 15 instead. Companies and other organizations within the municipality will be allowed to make their own arrangements.

北京市环境保护局副局长庄志东此前曾表示,APEC会议期间放假调休属于国际惯例 (international practice),同时也为了配合交通限行政策,方便市民出行。此外,降低社会活动的强度也是缓解环境污染的有效措施。

Zhuang Zhidong, deputy head with the municipal environmental protection bureau, said it is international practice for locals to enjoy holidays during APEC meetings, and it will also help reduce environmental pollution.

APEC会议(亚太经合组织 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,简称APEC)继2001年上海举办后时隔13年重回中国,2014年11月5日至11日,中国将在北京主办今年亚太经合组织领导人会议周各项活动,包含领导人非正式会议、部长级会议、高官会等系列会议。此次峰会的主题是:共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系。其中领导人峰会于11月10日至11日在北京怀柔雁栖湖举行,来自21个亚太经合组织经济体的领导人或代表将应邀与会。

With the theme of "Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership", a series of APEC meetings will be held from Nov. 5 to 11 in Beijing. The 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting will be held on Nov. 10 and 11.

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