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In Joint Pursuit of a Dream of National Renewal


Mr. Deng Xiaoping once said, a true Asian century only comes when China and India are both developed. Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru also said, when India and China come together, it will be a big event for Asia and even the world. As the two largest countries in Asia, China and India have on our shoulders the historic responsibility and the mandate of the times to maintain peace and stability in Asia and achieve its prosperity and rejuvenation.


Living side by side, the Chinese and the Indian people conducted exchanges and mutual learning in ancient times and went through hardship in modern history. Now we are pursuing the same mission of national renewal. Mahatma Gandhi once observed that China and India are fellow travelers sharing weal and woe in a common journey. Prime Minister Modi has told me that China and India are two bodies with one spirit. These words reveal the kind and peace-loving nature shared by our two great civilizations and the intrinsic connection between them.


documented interactions between China and India date back over 2,000 years. One highlight is Buddhist exchanges, as Buddhism was introduced eastward to China from its cradle in India. In 67 AD, Kasyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksa, the two eminent monks from India, arrived in Luoyang, China. There, they translated the Sutra of Forty-two Chapters, the first Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures. We have stories of the white horse carrying Buddhist scriptures to China and Monk Xuanzang's pilgrimage to the west. They brought Indian culture as well as Buddhist to China. During his seven expeditions, the great Chinese navigator Zheng He visited India six times and brought with him the neighborly friendship from China. Indian dance, astronomy, calendar, literature, architecture and sugar-making techniques were introduced to China, while Chinese paper-making, silk, porcelain, tea and music were spread to India. All these bear witness to a long-running history of exchanges and mutual learning between our two peoples.


Known respectively as the "factory" and "office" of the world, China and India need to enhance cooperation to tap into our mutually complementary advantages. China's westward opening-up should be geared to dovetail with India's "look east" policy with a view to shaping the world's most competitive production bases, most attractive consumer markets and most powerful engines.


Amity between the people holds the key to state-to-state relations. There are striking similarities between the Chinese Taichi and India’s Yoga, and between the traditional Chinese medicine and India’s Ayurveda. Profound resemblance can also be found in the philosophies that have guided the lives of the two peoples throughout millennia. …The Chinese side has decided to open another route via Nathu La pass for Indian pilgrims to pay homage to Mount Kailash and Mansarovar in Tibet, China.


I have read Tagore’s poetry, such as Gitanjali, Stray Bird, Gardener and Crescent Moon, many lines of which remain fresh in my mind. He wrote, "If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars," "We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility," “Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can,” “We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us”, “Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves”, etc. such beautiful and philosophical lines have inspired me deeply in my outlook on life.


China and India have a combined population of over 2.5 billion. If we speak with one voice, the whole world will listen; and if we join hands, the whole world will pay attention.


This being said, neighbors may sometimes encounter problems.What is important is for China and India to face the boundary question and other issues left over from history and seek fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solutions at an early date trough peaceful and friendly consultation.


The Chinese concepts of “universal peace” and “universal love” and the Indian concepts of “the world being one family” and "causing no injury" are very much alike. Both China and India consider harmony as the way toward a better future for the world and hope that all countries will live in harmony and peace.


The Chinese nation has always made learning a priority, as evidenced by famous Chinese sayings such as “only by learning extensively and accumulating profound knowledge can one be ready to achieve something,” “When walking in the company of two other men, there are bound to be things I can learn from them. I will absorb the good qualities and avoid the shortcomings” and “One needs to study what is good, constantly inquire about it, carefully reflect on it, clearly distinguish it and earnestly practice it.” It is such a learning spirit featuring humility and inclusiveness that has enabled the Chinese nation to make continuous progress for thousands of years. I have often emphasized that China’s goal is to be a great learning nation. We must avoid complacency and self-importance. Instead, we must be modest and humble, study hard and keep enhancing our capabilities.


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