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Hua’er' 花儿

Profile:Hua’er' 花儿
Time: 2006
Category: Folk Music
Region: Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, Ningxia Province
Ref. No.: II-20
Hua'er is popular among 8 ethnic groups including Hui, Han, Tu, Dongxiang, Bao'an, Sala, Tibetan, and Yugur in four provinces, namely, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, and Xinjiang Provinces. It is of a folk song only sung in local Chinese dialect outside villages, collectively known as "wild song (or Yequ, versus "family song (or Jiaqu)", that is, "banquet song (or Yanxiqu)"), or "Junior (or Shaonian)". It is mainly sung in such two kinds of occasions as routine activities and the "Flower Festival". Flower Festival is a large-scale folk song festival, and it is also called "singing for mountain (or Changshan)".
Hua'er·Lianhua Shan Hua'er Festival
Nominating unit[s]: Kangle County, Gansu Province
Covering 78 venues in 6 counties in 3 prefectures, Hua'er Festival is an annual folk festival self-organized by local people in the Lianhua Shan (Lianhua Mountain) area, which is situated in the southwest of Kangle County, Gansu Province. Such folk songs already flourished as early as 300 years ago. Unfortunately, Hua'er was banned during 1960s and 1970s, but it thrived again since the Reform and Opening up.
Lianhua Shan Hua'er Festival is characterized by unique form, grand scale, and complete procedures including blocking the way, touring the mountain, singing the antiphonal, proposing a toast, bidding farewell, etc. The Festival will last 6 days long at its main venue from Jun. 1 to Jun. 6 of the lunar calendar, passing through many places like Tangfang Beach, mountain top, mountain foot, Zuguchuan, Wangjiagoumen, Zisong Mountain, etc., with more than 100 thousand people participated.
Lianhua Shan Hua'er is primarily passed down by way of oral instruction, and its main representative singers include Jin Mantang, Ding Rulan, Zhang Shengcai, Zhu Shuxiu, Mi Zhaoren and Wang Lianlian.
Lianhua Shan Hua'er, commonly called "wild flower (or Yehua)", is best known for its improvisation, fixed tune, and local language. Its representative works comprise Lianhua Shan Ling. Owing to such characteristics as uniqueness, folkways, dependency, procedure following, mass participation, recreation, popularity, etc., it is appraised as "the Soul of the Northwest" and "Encyclopedia of the Northwest" by domestic and overseas scholars. Nevertheless, in recent years, the scale of Hua'er Festival shrank gradually and the number of Hua'er singers dropped sharply, resulting in neglected inheritance, successor shortage, and thus an urgent need for conservation and rescue.
Hua'er·Songming Yan Hua'er Festival
Nominating unit[s]: Hezheng County, Gansu Province
Songming Yan (Songming Rock) is situated in Xiaoxia scenic area comprising 4 peaks, (i.e., Xifangding, Nanwutai, Yuhuangfeng and Jiguanshan), 23km away from south Hezheng County of Linxia Prefecture. It is one of the three famous Hua'er Festival venues and the birthplace of Hezhou Hua'er as well.
The Festival is celebrated from April 26 to April 29 of the lunar calendar every year in Songming Yan, which is the national forest park and provincial-level scenic area of Hezheng County, Gansu Province. Recorded in the Log of Hezheng County (or He Zheng Xian Zhi), there was a Longhua Temple Gathering held from April 26 to April 29 every year, with millions of pilgrims and flourishing burning incenses. According to historical research, Hua'er emerged in Hezheng County in the early Ming Dynasty, making it have a history of hundreds of years.
With sustained historical heritage and broad inclusiveness, Songming Yan Hua'er Festival has its fixed singing time and places. In addition to various Hezhou Lings, Mudan Ling is also sung on the gathering in such places as hillside, lawn, col and woods in the form of solo, unison and antiphon. Its accompanying musical instruments include Mimi (an oboe wind instrument), Sixianzi (a wind instrument), Zhina (a wind instrument), and Erhu (a two-stringed bowed instrument).
Hua'er·Erlangshan Hua'er Festival
Nominating unit[s]: Min County, Gansu Province
Located in south Gansu Province, Min County is at the intersection of the Loess Plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and west Qinling Mountains. In its south there lies Erlangshan Mountain from which the 1000-li Minshan Mountain stretches. Erlangshan Hua'er Festival was born out of the folk festival in honor of Gods in Min County, and made its debut in the Ming Dynasty according to research. There were 18 Qiu Gods (Dragon Gods) distributed in the prefecture, and at early May of the lunar calendar every year, they all came out for patrolling the area. Villagers of the villages along their patrol route would sacrifice and pray for harvest on fixed sites, wher more than 40 venues were formed in which people could light the candle, pray to Gods, make wishes, and sing Hua'er songs. Erlangshan Hua'er venue, the center of those venues, held the most grand festival on May 17. In the same afternoon, 18 Qiu Gods would be carried up to Erlangshan Mountain to accept official sacrifice. At the same time, people coming for sacrifice competed in singing "Taomin Hua'er", with more than 100 thousand people involved, presenting extremely enthusiastic occasions. The "Taomin Hua'er" has two fractions including the South Fraction and the North Fraction. Songs of South Fraction Hua'er, also called "A'oulian'er", wild and resounding, are famous for original beauty; and songs of North Fraction Hua'er, "Lianglian'er", are especially suitable in story-telling for leisurely tune. Besides their music and impromptu values, the lyrics of "Taomin Hua'er" also have a high literary value. Like the sacrifice to Qiu Gods, those songs assemble people's wisdom and are a treasury for studying social development history and folk culture of Min County.

由于历史原因,湫神祭祀古风犹存,但上山官祭仪式却面临濒危,有待进一步保护。近几年,由于岷县县委、县政府的努力,"洮岷花儿" 被联合国教科文组织授予"联合国民歌考察基地"荣誉称号。
Due to historical reasons, the custom of sacrifice to Qiu Gods still remains, but the official sacrifice ritual on the mountain is now hardly seen. This needs to be further protected. In recent years, thanks to the effort of the Party Committee and the People's Government of Min County, Min County is awarded as "the Folk Song Research base of UN" for "Taomin Hua'er" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Hua'er·Laoyeshan Hua'er Festival
Nominating unit[s]: Datong Hui-Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province
老爷山花儿会 是每年农历六月初六 在青海省大通回族土族自治县的老爷山 举行的大型民歌演唱活动,它产生于明代,经过几百年的发展,伴随着"朝山浪会"活动,从以娱神为主逐步演变为以娱人为主的大型民间岁时民俗活动。
Laoyeshan Hua'er Festival refers to the large-scale singing event held on June 6 of the lunar calendar every year on Laoye Mountain in Datong Hui-Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province. It came into being in the Ming Dynasty, and through hundreds years of development and with the hosting of "going up to the mountain for Hua'er Festival events (or Chao Shan Lang Hui)", it has evolved into a great annual folk activity mainly entertaining people instead of entertaining God.
老爷山花儿会演唱形式有两种。 一是群众性自发演唱,农历"六月六"在老爷山的密林花丛中,或数十人或几百人自由唱和,情景交融;二是1949年以后兴起的有组织演唱,有固定的演唱场所和舞台,歌手经过层层选拔,在舞台上赛歌竞技。老爷山花儿会以演唱"河湟花儿"为主。演唱者有汉、回、土、藏等民族的歌手,他们共同用汉语演唱花儿。这是老爷山"花儿"和"花儿会"不同于其他民歌和歌会的显著特点。
Songs of Laoyeshan Hua'er are sung in two forms. One is people's spontaneous singing: tens or hundreds of people sing together in the jungle on Laoye Mountain, presenting a harmonious scene blending people's feeling and the setting. The other is the singing contest with fixed performance places and stages, wher the seleced singers compete in singing. At Laoyeshan Hua'er Festival, the songs sung most are the "Hehuang Hua'er". Singers are from Han, Hui, Tu, and Tibetan nationalities, and they all sing Hua'er in Chinese. That is the distinctive feature by which Laoyeshan Hua'er and its festival distinguish themselves from other folk songs and song festivals.
Laoyeshan Hua'er songs largely praise love life, and, sometimes, religion, folkways, production and work, history story, and new people and new stories. Most of its lyrics are composed of four lines, with seven-character lines (the first and third lines) and eight-character lines (the second and fourth lines) alternated. Moreover, a "double- character" word must be used at the end of the second and fourth lines according to the special rule, and the first line must rhyme with the third line, so do the second and the fourth lines. It hence formed special rhythms of songs, making it a special case even in national Han folk songs. Hehuang Hua'er has a very high literary value for its vivid, figurative, beautiful, and clear wording and the techniques of actual narration, metaphor and symbolization. The representative works of Datong Laoyeshan Hua'er include Datong Ling, Dongxia Ling, and Laoyeshan Ling. These works are quite popular among all nationalities in Datong for their unique rhythm, lyrical wording, resounding tune, and mild and agreeable sound.
Hua'er·Danma Tu Nationality Hua'er Festival
Nominating unit[s]: Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province
Danma Hua'er Festival is a traditional mass gathering with certain influence in Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province. It integrates opera performance, Hua'er song singing, and commodity trade and is annually held on June 13 of the lunar calendar every year and lasts five days, having a large scale and profound impacts.

Danma Town, the venue of Danma Hua'er Festival, is a Tu ethnic settlement town located in the east of Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province. Danma Hua'er Festival was originally developed in the late Ming Dynasty, and thrived in the period of the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, and early new China. It was prohibited for being regarded as a festival of vulgar songs during 1960s and 1970s, and was resumed gradually after 1978. Experts have found that "Danma Hua'er Festival" is a tradition ceremony like temple fair held by local Tu people to pray for good weather and harvest. Through its historical evolution, it has developed into an important cultural site wher Tu folk customs can be seen. Such works as Galianshou Ling, Huanghuajie Ling, and Yangliujie Ling are included in its common repertoires.
Hua'er songs of Tu Nationality sung on Danma Hua'er Festival are an important part of Qinghai Hua'er songs, having a high artistic value for their unique ethnic styles with abundant cultural contents of Tu Nationality.
With a long history, it is always well-known among folk cultural events in Qinghai Province. Therefore it is of great significance to protecting Danma Hua'er Festival and to exploiting, saving and compiling Tu Nationality Hua'er songs.
Hua'er·Qilisi Temple Hua'er Festival
Nominating unit[s]: Minhe Hui-Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province
Qilisi gorge is at the foot of Xiaojishi Mountain, which is situated in Gushan Town in south Minhe Hui-Tu Autonomous County. It has been hundreds of years for celebrating Hua'er festival here. On June 6 of the lunar calendar ever year, well-dressed people from all over the country, up to 60 to 70 thousand, come together to the gorge to sing Hua'er songs in antiphonal style for a whole night.
Qilisi Temple Hua'er Festival is a grand folk cultural event self-organized by local people, and its singers are all folk singers. The song is demonstrated in the form of solo singing, antiphonal singing, and choral singing, and its main contents are always about love. With one ear gently covered by one hand, singers usually use different "Lings" to sing Hua'er songs in terms of their contents. There are more than 40 Lings, and the representative ones include Gushan Ling, Maying Ling, and Ermeihua Ling. The strong local characteristics and the appeal of the Medicine Spring in the gorge make the Qilisi Temple Hua'er Festival quite famous in northwest region.
On the Qilisi Temple Hua'er festival there are numerous singers including famous Hua'er singers and those from surrounding areas who also come to the festival to liven things up. Many songs and Lings sung by old singers are rare to hear in daily life or other Hua'er festivals.
Hua'er·Qutansi Temple Hua'er Festival
Nominating unit[s]: Ledu County, Qinghai Province
Qutansi Temple Hua'er Festival, which is the local temple fair as well, lasts 3 days from June 14 to June 16 of the lunar calendar. It has a quite large scale and profound impact among Hua'er festivals in Qinghai Province. According to the research, it derived from Qutansi Temple fair in the reign of Daoguang Emperor in the Qing Dynasty, and gradually developed into Hua'er festival with certain scale by the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. Qutansi Temple Hua'er Festival is the largest stage of local people for Hua'er communication, in which many folk singers become famous in Qinghai Province even in the whole northwest region.
Most participants in the Qutansi Temple Hua'er Festival are Han people, and other ethnic people are also active in taking part in the event. In addition to local Lings as Lianbo Ling, White Peony Ling (or Bai Mu Dan Ling), Red Flower Ling (or Shui Hong Hua Ling), San Shan Ling, etc. are included in the singing songs and Lings. In addition, Tibetan people's favorite song, "Layi", is also popular here. The singing forms include solo singing, antiphonal singing and chorus singing, among which the antiphonal singing of two teams can most manifest the folk feature of Qutansi Temple Hua'er Festival.
It has profound ethnic folk culture foundation, which is very important for the research in the birth of Hua'er festival. Ledu County is known as "Cultural County" in Hehuang region, making Qutansi Temple Hua'er Festival the best typical case in studying the relationship between large folk activities and local culture development.
As a Hua'er festival of certain influence, Qutansi Temple Hua'er Festival plays a practical role in promoting commodities exchange, strengthening national culture communication, and enriching local people's life.
Hua'er·Ningxia Hui Nationality Mountain Hua'er
Nominating unit[s]: Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region
Mountain Hua'er, popularly known as Gan Hua'er, Shan Quzi, Ye Hua'er, is a representative type of folk songs popular in Ningxia Hui Nationality community. It has absorbed some features of ancient folk songs (such as Tu Ge (an unaccompanied singing song), Xianghe Ge (corresponding songs), and Lichang Ge). Song of Longshan (or Long Shan Ge), Song of Longban (or Long Ban Ge), and Song of Longyuan (or Long Yuan Ge) of the Book of Song·Songs of Bin (or Shi Jing·Bin Feng) and Collected Folk Songs of the Period of the Han Dynasty and Jin Dynasty(or Han Wei Nan Bei Chao Yue Fu) are its original versions. The cultural integration and diversity make these folk songs present many characteristics of transitional culture and marginal culture, and the widely popular Hui Nationality Hua'er is the most typical one, having broad mass base and rich folk culture contents.

Basically, Mountain Hua'er songs are sung for self-entertaining in limited areas and created instantly in the form of single set and short songs on the basis of "repeating every three lines" of ancient Longshan folk songs. Its music has inherited such features of ancient Longshan Tu Ge as tetrachords and pentatonic tone, and absorbed elements of Xintianyou, Pashandiao, Taomin Hua'er, Hehuang Hua'er and Islamic tone, mostly sung in the pentatonic tone with fluctuation.
As far as literary and music are concerned, Mountain Hua'er has distinctive feature, unique style and strong local characteristics. On one hand, it keeps the rough style of wild songs, and on the other hand, it also has the gentle melody of sweet and smooth tunes as well. It vividly manifests the Hui culture in Ningxia region, having a high value in studying ethnology and folklore; its lyrics have a high literary value for the feature of being repeated every three lines and double-character rhyme, which contributes to forming a unique style. It has developed into a unique kind of Hua'er song with diverse forms, tones, modes and melodies on the basis of tetrachords and pentatonic tone. The representative works include Cattle Drink Water on the Yellow River Shore (or Huang He An Shang Niu He Shui), To See the Follower in My Heart (or Kan Yi Tang Xin Shang De Ga Hua) and Flowers Are Love Words in My Heart (or Hua Er Ben Shi Xin Shang De Hua).
At present, there are increasingly fewer singers who are proficient in several styles of Mountain Hua'er songs, and most of them are approaching their seventy. Consequently, inheritance emerged as a serious problem. Moreover, the shocks as a result of modernization have led to the constant loss of its local flavor, pushing Mountain Hua'er to the brink of extinction, to which attention shall be paid by related departments.
马金山 马得林 马明山 赵存禄 张英芝 王存福
Ma Jinshan, Ma Delin, Ma Mingshan, Zhao Cunlu, Zhang Yingzhi,
Wang Cunfu,
马生林 张明星 刘郭成 汪莲莲 韩生元
Ma Shenglin, Zhang Mingxing, Liu Guocheng, Wang Lianlian and Han Shengyuan

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