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Zhoushan luogu ('gongs and drums') 舟山锣鼓

Profile:Zhoushan luogu ('gongs and drums') 舟山锣鼓
Time: 2006
Category: Folk Music
Region: Zhejiang Province
Ref. No.: Ⅱ-43
Nominating unit [s]: Zhoushan city, Zhejiang Province
Zhoushan city is located in the northeast of Zhejiang Province, east of the Hangzhou Bay and south of the mouth of Yangtze River. Its abundant marine resources are the source and lifeblood for local production, and the life of local people. This in turn has bred the unique local folklore and art, with Zhoushan luogu being the best representative of the local culture.
旧时的舟山锣鼓大多出现在民间乡里的红白喜事、庙会庆典及渔民祭海等活动中。1949年后,这一民间音乐形式在专业音乐工作者的参与和整理下正式定名为"舟山锣鼓"。在1957年莫斯科举办的世界青年联欢节上,舟山锣鼓曾荣获世界民家 音乐比赛金质奖章。
In ancient times, the luogu was most often played at ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, temple fair celebrations, and sacrificial offerings to the sea by fishermen, etc. Post-1949, this form of folk music was formally designated as Zhoushan luogu, with the involvement of professional musicians. In 1957, Zhoushan luogu won the gold medal for folk music at the World Youth Festival in Moscow.
Zhoushan luogu involves a combination of musical instruments, among which the primary ones are a gong-line, consisting of 13 gongs, and a drum-line, consisting of 5 drums. It has a very unique style, with various unusual sounds, and contrasting volume.
舟山锣鼓代表性的传统曲目有《舟山锣鼓》、《八仙序》、《渔家乐》、《沙调》、《潮音》等,均被编入《中国民族民间集成 ·浙江卷》,还有许多曲目被灌制成唱片。
Representative pieces of Zhoushan luogu music include Zhoushan luogu, Baxian Xu (Story of the Eight Immortals), Yujia Le (Fun fishing family), Sha Diao (Sand tune) and Chao Yin (Sound of tides), etc., which have been compiled into the Chinese National and Folk Instrumental Music Collection-Zhejiang Section, and many other pieces have been made into records.
After the 1960s and 1970s, as a result of the market economy development and diversification of cultural entertainment forms, Zhoushan luogu, a form of regional culture, faces the danger of increasing marginalization. Meanwhile, as prestigious artists are passing away and the younger generations abandon this art form for business, Zhoushan luogu is at risk of extinction and direly needs protection.
Gao Rufeng

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