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Tibetan Nationality Thangka Paintings 藏族唐卡

Profile:Tibetan Nationality Thangka Paintings 藏族唐卡
Time: 2006
Category: Folk Arts
Region: Sichuan Province & Tibet
Ref. No.: Ⅶ-14
Tibetan nationality thangka paintings·Manniang School
Nominating unit[s]: Tibet Autonomous Region
The Manniang School, popular in the Dbus Gtsang Region, has been the most influential school of Tibetan nationality Thangka paintings art since the 15th century. It was founded by Manla Thong Zhu, an artist born in the Luozha Manniang area, hence the name Manniang School. Manla Thong Zhu learnt his skills under the tutelage of Duoba Tashi. With hard work, Manla Thong Zhu made remarkable achievements in painting. He paid great attention to the drawing of lines. His paintings are elegant, smooth and bright and have different emphases. based on Jumaiba, he compiled the painting theory collection Painting Guide.
The Manniang School was formed during the Zanpu Era and came to its peak in the Pazhu Era and Gandan Pozhang Era. However, it reached a turning period between 1949 and 1966. From 1966 on, this form of art gradually lost public attention. In response, local governments have tried hard to preserve the painting techniques since the 1980s but extra efforts are still needed.
Tibetan nationality thangka paintings·ChenZher School
Nominating unit[s]: Tibet
Founded by ChenZher ChanMou, ChenZher School has been popular in gtsang Tsang and the Shannan Prefecture since the middle of the 15th century. ChenZher ChanMou developed an interest in painting at an early age and founded ChenZher School on the basis of Tibetan-Nepalese painting styles and the painting techniques of the Han people and Indians. The emergence of the ChenZher School and Manniang School soon replaced the Nepalese style paintings, which were once very popular in the Dbus Gtsang Region. Similar to Tibetan-Nepalese painting, the ChenZher School also generally features a large Bodhisattva but in depicting natural scenery, it borrows certain elements from Han style paintings. This school is particularly good at portraying the fierce aspect of Buddha.
Tibetan nationality thangka paintings·Karzhi School
Nominating unit[s]: Tibet & Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province
The Karzhi School is one of the three major schools of Tibetan nationality thangka paintings (the other two are Manniang School and ChenZher School). It is popular in the eastern part of Tibetan-inhabited areas and centers on Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province and Changdu, Tibet. It was founded by the Living Buddha Nanka Tashi in the 16th century and is also called the Gamagachi School or Gazi School.
噶玛嘎孜画派的风格来源较为复杂,其创派人物南喀扎西活佛以南亚梵式铜佛像为范,深受勉唐派绘画大帅 嘎丹夏觉巴o页觉彭德的影响。经与南喀扎西同时期的八世噶玛巴活佛米久多吉总结先师及自己的经验,撰成《线准太阳明镜》,从而奠定了噶孜画派的理论基础。其后,十世噶玛巴曲英多吉从一套罗汉丝绢唐卡中发现了汉族界画和青绿山水技法的妙处,开始以工笔重彩绘制唐卡,作品具有浓重的汉族风格,有别于卫藏地区的勉唐、钦则两大画派。在南喀扎西之后,又有两名画师继承了噶孜派画风,一是却吉扎西,以青绿设色著称;一是噶旭噶玛扎西,以独创出新著称。他们与南喀扎西一道,被誉为"噶孜三扎西"。
The Karzhi School is formed by combining a variety of styles. It is based on the bronze Buddha portraits from southern Asia and is also profoundly influenced by Manniang School. The theoretical foundations of this school were completed by Nanka Tashi's contemporary, Living Buddha Karma Mikye Dorje. Later on, one of the masters of the Karzhi School borrowed traditional Chinese painting's unique styles and began to paint Thangka in an elaborate way, which means that the Karzhi School is closer to the style of Han Painting than the other two major schools. Since Nanka Tashi, two other masters of Karzhi painting have emerged: Queji Tashi, who is famous for his turquoise painting, and Gaxugama Tashi, who is renowned for his innovation in painting style. They two, together with Nanka Tashi, are known as the "Three Tashis" of Gazi School painting.
After the "Three Tashis", more masters of Thangka painting emerged and some of their works are also regarded as model examples of the Karzhi School. The Karzhi School has a clear line of development and each stage is endowed with numerous masters. In the later years, due to the difference in regions and teachers, the styles within this school began to diverge, thus forming the "old Karzhi School" and the "new Karzhi School".
The most distinctive feature of the Karzhi School is its heavy and vivid colors. Over the past centuries, this school has formed special techniques in making and using pigments. With the basic colors white, red, yellow, blue and green, painters can make 9 large, 32 medium and 158 small strains of hues. The use of a golden colour, one of the characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism painting, is regardeda sacrament for the Buddha. In the Karzhi School, unique skills are applied to produce liquid gold, spread and rub gold onto the painting, draw golden lines, carve and paint gold. The golden color is divided into more specific strains of hues and can be used to form different layers on a black background. In an area with a high concentration of golden color, different lines can be carved with a particular kind of stone (it has a nickname of "line of gemstone").
With its complicated painting procedures, delicate craftsmanship, high cost and tradition of oral transmission, Tibetan nationality thangka paintings are in an extinction crisis. In recent years, many folk painters have replaced traditional pigments with synthetic ones for their lower cost, which gravely threatens traditional Thangka art. Therefore, it is urgent to take measures to protect the Karzhi School of Tibetan nationality thangka paintings.


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