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Xianziwu 弦子舞

Profile:Xianziwu 弦子舞
Time: 2006
Category: Folk Dance
Region: Sichuan Province, Tibetan Autonomous Region
Ref. No.: Ⅲ-19
Xianzi, also called "xie", "ye", or "baye" is a kind of huqin (a family of bowed string instruments). It is a unique musical instrument of the Tibetan nationality that is usually played by men. Xianziwu, also called the xianzi, is a comprehensive song-dance art of the Tibetan nationality, which is accompanied by the xianzi, and integrates singing, dancing and music. Xianziwu is popular in eastern Tibet, and the Tibetan-inhabited areas in Yunnan, Sichuan and Qinghai Province. During the performance, men play the xianzi, and women dance by swinging their colorful sleeves. The songs and dancers' postures change according to the rhythm of the xianzi. The song lyrics of the xianzi mainly relate to welcomes, meetings, acclaim, courtship, farewells and wishes. Xianzi has numerous melodies, diversified song lyrics and varied dance steps. During the performance, both the male team and the female team will form a semi-circle respectively. They sing and dance and form a complete circle, or dance separately at various intervals. Male dancers highlight their dancing boots and focus on stamping their feet to display their bold and unconstrained character; while female dancers highlight their long sleeves to display their gentle and smooth postures.
Xianziwu (Mangkang xianziwu)
Nominating unit[s]: Tibetan Autonomous Region
Mangkang County is located in the southeast of Tibet, at the border of Tibet, Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces. Xianziwu is a folk dance in Mangkang area. During the performance, both men and women dance and sing accompanied by xianzi. Mangkang xianziwu is called "fan xie wu" in the Tibetan dialect. In Tibetan, Fan means Tibetan nationality; xie means song-dance; and wu means the action of dance. Xianzi is called biwang in Tibetan. It is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument which was invented by the local people, and is known as the huqin in historical records. Xianziwu in Mangkang County, Changdu Region has a long history. Research shows that xianziwu began as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907).
Xianziwu is a unique folk song-dance in Mangkang area. In festivals, one or several men play the xianzi while they dance, and other people dance after them by moving their sleeves. In the Mangkang xianziwu performance, the movements and postures are flexible, forceful and smooth; and include shuffle steps, point-steps and turns, sleeves shaking, and arms akimbo and flutter steps. The swinging long sleeves are the most striking feature. Dancers produce quavers as the music quaver, and engage in fluttering movements. Dancers make such movements by imitating the postures of certain animals that are regarded as kindhearted and auspicious, such as the "peacock drinking water", and the "rabbit running happily". With respect to the existing Mangkang xianziwu, there are several schools with local features. For example, Yanjing xianziwu is calm and dignified, Xuzhong xianziwu is natural and unrestrained, Suoduoxi xianziwu features difficult postures and conveys tenderness and smoothness, and Qudeng xianziwu is unrestrained and flexible. With the accompaniment of clear and sweet melodies, the dance reflects rich cultural connotations and aesthetics, no matter if the dancers are gathering together, making a round, or rotating when swinging their sleeves.
Nowadays, the Mangkang xianziwu is an important means of entertainment for Tibetans. In the 16 townships/towns, colorful art activities (mainly xianziwu) are organized during festivals. Such activities diversify and enrich people's cultural life, enhance the cultural literacy of local people and give people new appreciation for their hometown and country. Mangkang xianziwu, an ancient and attractive form of art, has a long history, unique forms, numerous schools, and a complete system of performances. The performance features the strong characteristics of the Tibetan nationality and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The traditional songs and dances of xianziwu are of incredible value.
Xianziwu (Batang xianziwu)
Nominating unit[s]: Batang County, Sichuan Province
Xianzi, also called "gaxie", "xie", "ye", or "baye" in Tibetan, means a circle dance. It is one of the three major dances of the Tibetan nationality, which is popular in eastern Tibet, and the Tibetan-inhabited areas in Yunnan, Sichuan and Qinghai province. The xianziwu in Batang County, Sichuan Province is the most famous. Batang County is located at the adjoining section of the Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province and Tibetan Autonomous Region, and once belonged to the Bailang (white wolf) State in ancient times. The bailangge (song of the white wolf) is a ritual song-dance in Bailang State that integrates poetry, music and dance. Batang xianzi has some features of bailangge, and through its hundreds of years of development, it has become a folk song-dance which has been enjoyed by countless Tibetans.
The Batang xianzi is a beautiful dance of the Tibetan nationality that expresses dancers' emotions. The dance, featuring swinging long sleeves, is led by several males who play biwang (huqin), a bow instrument. Other dancers then dance and sing after them.
"三步一撩、一步一靠"是巴塘弦子舞的基本律动特点,其含胸、颤膝及长袖的绕、托、撩、盖等动作形成了不同一般的地域舞蹈特色。 每逢喜庆佳节,集会野营、劳动之余,人们聚集在"林卡"(林中空地)或坝子跳起弦子舞,男女不拘,人数不限。弦子音乐一般分前奏、间奏、尾声三部分,音乐柔中有刚,优美抒情,节奏富于舞蹈性。
The basic rhythm of the dance is "holding up after three steps, and leaning after one step". Such postures as the head down on chest, fluttering knees, and circling, holding up, raising and covering of long sleeves are special features of the xianziwu, distinguishing it from other dances. People (regardless of gender or number) gather in linka (a vacant lot in the forest) or on flat ground to perform the xianziwu during festivals, celebrations, gatherings, camping or simply after work. Normally, xianzi music consists of three parts, namely the prelude, interlude and postlude. The music, beautiful and lyrical, reflects both strength and grace, and highlights the rhythm of dance.
Batang xianzi is the essence of the wisdom of the Batang people. Batang xianziwu embodies the profound culture of Tibet, reflects strong flavors of the Tibetan nationality, and is of high academic and artistic value. Because of this, Batang County was formally honored by the Ministry of Culture as the "Home of Chinese Folk Arts" in May 2000. The several thousand existing songs of the Batang xianzi are the greatest treasure of Tibetan folk music. Batang xianzi is the best preserved living fossil of Tibetan music. The music and the song lyrics of the Batang xianzi have penetrated into other forms of literature and arts of the Tibetan nationality. In this sense, the protection of Batang xianzi is of great significance for the protection of Tibetan dancing and singing arts, as well as the study of Tibetan culture.
次仁旺堆 江措
Ciren Wangdui and Jiang Cuo

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