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tongue twisters 绕口令 汤圆 Sweet dumplings

Profile:汤圆 Tāng yuán Sweet dumplings
过 年, 过 年, 糥 米 做 汤 圆
Guò nián, guò nián, nuò mĭ zuò tāng yuán.
做 的 汤 圆 又 白 又 圆,
Zuò de tāng yuán yòu bái yòu yuán,
做 的 汤 圆 有 甜 有 咸;
Zuò de tāng yuán yŏu tián yŏu xián;
煮 好 汤 圆 尝 汤 圆,
Zhŭ hăo tāng yuán cháng tāng yuán,
吃 在 嘴 里 软 又 黏;
Chī zài zuĭ lĭ ruăn yòu nián;
吃 了 甜 汤 圆,
Chī le tián tāng yuán,
心 里 可 真 甜;
Xīn lĭ kĕ zhēn tián;
吃 了 咸 汤 圆,
Chī le xián tāng yuán,
嘴 里 真 叫 鲜!
Zuĭ lĭ zhēn jiào xiān !

Celebrate the spring festival, celebrate the spring festival,
Use glutinous rice to make dumplings.
The dumplings are round and white,
Some are sweet, and some are salty.
Boil the dumplings and taste them.
They are soft and glutinous.
Eating sweet ones,
You feel so sweet at heart;
Eating salty ones,
You find them so delicours!

Why eating Tang Yuan to celebrate the spring festival? In Chinese The pronunciation of 汤圆(tāng yuán) is similar to团圆(tuán yuán), which means reunio. Reunio is a very imp0rtant concept for Chinese people. At the eve of spring festival every year, the members of the family, near and far, get together for celebration. Thus, eating Tang Yuan to celebrate the spring festival, a kind of Chinese food having reunio meaning, is a folk-custom of China.

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