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Lesson 270 Cooking Vegetables II

Profile:What’s your favourite vegetable? 你最喜欢吃哪种蔬菜?where’s the vegetable market? 哪有菜市场?Is it organic vegetable? 这是有机蔬菜吗
B: Dajia hao, hello everyone, perfect your Ch
inese every day, right here in the Chinese Studio. Wo shi B.
Y: da jia hao wo shi Y. You’ve caught us in the chu2 fang2, the kitchen today. We’re learning how to stir fry some veggies. Come and join us.
B: On the way, let’s check our keywords of the day.

Keywords of the day
Beat the eggs把鸡蛋打散 heat the wok 把锅烧热, the cooking oil 油  Let’s  add some oil 放点儿油 Spices 调味料  sugar 糖,salt 盐 All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: The veggies are all prepared, except for the jidan, the eggs. I want to whisk them, beat them up. How do I say that Y?
Y: It sounds very violent I must say, but all for a good cause. Try this B, ba3 ji1 dan4 da2 san3.
B:  ba3 ji1 dan4 da2 san3
Y: ba3, as we mentioned, is often put before the object,
B: ba3,
Y: ji1 dan4, eggs, 
B:  ji1 dan4,
Y: da2 san3 means to whisk,
B: da2 san3
Y: ba3 ji1 dan4 da2 san3
B: ba3 ji1 dan4 da2 san3. beat the eggs, 

Conversation 1
A: 准备两个鸡蛋。
B: 好的。
A: 然后把鸡蛋打散。

B: Ok, cut up veggies and beaten eggs reporting for duty. Now what, oh, how about we heat the wok?
Y: Wow, you sound pretty professional…   把锅烧热。
B: Indeed I do. Ba3 guo1 shao1 re4.
Y: guo1 is wok,
B: guo1,
Y: shao1 means to heat,
B: shao1,
Y: re4 means hot,
B: re4,
Y:  Ba3 guo1 shao1 re4
B:  Ba3 guo1 shao1 re4, heat the wok,

Conversation 2
A: 可以下锅了吗?
B: 稍等一下。先得把锅烧热。

B: Ready for action, wher’s the cooking oil?
Y: you mean, you2.
B: Dui, you2, the cooking oil…Let’s add some oil.
Y: Good idea, fang4 dian3er you3.
B:  fang4 dian3er you3.
Y: fang4 means add,
B:  fang4,
Y:  dian3er means a little bit,
B: dian3er,  
Y: you3, the cooking oil,
B:  you3,
Y:  fang4 dian3er you3.
B:  fang4 dian3er you3. Add some oil.

A: 需要帮忙吗?
B: 好啊。往锅里 放点儿油。

B: What spices will we use?
Y: Spices, that’s what we call 调味料
B: tiao2 wei4 liao4.    
Y: tiao2 wei4 literally means adjust flavor,
B: tiao2 wei4,
Y: liao4 means ingredient,
B:  liao4,
Y: tiao2 wei4 liao4.
B: tiao2 wei4 liao4. spices, How about we use sugar and salt for starters?
Y: We can’t go too far wrong there, here you are B, here’s tang2, sugar,
B: tang2,
Y: yan2, salt,
B: yan2,

Conversation 4
A: 需要放什么调味料?
B: 糖和盐。

Key words reminder
Beat the eggs把鸡蛋打散 heat the wok 把锅烧热, the cooking oil 油  Let’s  add some oil 放点儿油 Spices 调味料  sugar 糖,salt 盐 All in today’s Chinese Studio.


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