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Lesson 271 Cooking Vegetables III

Profile:Add the veggies 把菜倒进去. How about a little taste? 尝一尝 Keep stirring 不停地翻炒 Chilli pepper 辣椒,Spicy 辣,Let me get the bowls and chopsticks.我来准备碗筷。
Y: We’re on cooking duty this week on Chinese Studio, Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B and our first culinary joint venture is almost complete.

Y: And there are a few more keywords to digest as well. Here they are.


Keywords of the day

Add the veggies 把菜倒进去. How about a little taste? 尝一尝 Keep stirring  不停地翻炒 Chilli pepper 辣椒,Spicy 辣,Let me get the bowls and chopsticks.我来准备碗筷。All in today’s Chinese Studio


B: The cooking oil, the you, is nice and hot, let’s add the veggies.

Y: Run that past me again B, this time in Chinese, you can say 把菜倒进去

B:  ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4.

Y:  cai4 means vegetables, 

B: cai4,

Y: dao4 jin4 qu4 means to put into the wok,

B: dao4 jin4 qu4.  

Y:  ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4.

B:  ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4. Add the veggies.


Conversation 1

A: 油已经热了。

B: 那就把菜倒进去。


B: I’ll throw in the jidan, the eggs too. And how about a little taste?

Y: That’s what I love doing too, we call that: chang2 yi4 chang2.

B: chang2 yi4 chang2.

Y: chang2 means to taste,

B: chang2,

Y: chang2 yi4 chang2.

B: chang2 yi4 chang2.  How about a little taste?



A: 菜炒好了吗?

B: 尝一尝就知道了。


B: Hey, enough tasting, and keep stirring Y.

Y: To stir, remember is不停地翻炒。

B: bu4 ting2 de fan1 chao3,

Y: bu4 ting2 de means keep doing something without stop,

B: bu4 ting2 de.

Y: fan1 chao3 means stir,

B: fan1 chao3,

Y: bu4 ting2 de fan1 chao3,

B: bu4 ting2 de fan1 chao3, keep stirring, And is it spicy enough?

Y: Not yet…We need to add some chili pepper, some la4 jiao1.

B:  la4 jiao1. What’s the word for spicy Y?

Y: That’s the way Sichuan food is prepared, very la4, spicy.

B: La4, and if it’s too spicy, I guess we can borrow a French expression and say, oh la la!

Y: Haha, that’s a creative use of language, not one from the text books.


Conversation 3

A:  好像还不够辣。

B: 那就再放些辣椒,然后不停地翻炒。


B: Those veggies look a million dollars. wher are the bowls?

Y: Here they are, the wan3,

B: wan3. now everything is ready for having the first Chinese meal made by myself… No need to use your fingers Y, we do have some chopsticks too.

Y: Okay, Let me get the bowls and chopsticks: wo3 lai2 zhun3 bei4 wan3 kuai4. 

B: wo3 lai2 zhun3 bei4 wan3 kuai4.

Y: wo3 lai2 means let me do sth,                                                              

B:  wo3 lai2,

Y: zhun3 bei4 literally means prepare,

B:  zhun3 bei4,

Y: wan3 is bowl,

B: wan3,

Y: kuai4 is chopsticks,

B: kuai4.

Y: wo3 lai2 zhun3 bei4 wan3 kuai4

B: wo3 lai2 zhun3 bei4 wan3 kuai4 Let me get the bowls and chopsticks.


Conversation 4

A: 再坚持一下,马上就开饭了。

B: 好的。我来准备碗筷。


Key words reminder

Add the veggies 把菜倒进去. How about a little taste? 尝一尝 Keep stirring  不停地翻炒 Chilli pepper 辣椒,Spicy 辣, Let me get the bowls and chopsticks.我来准备碗筷。 All in today’s Chinese Studio

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