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Lesson 98 Making Appointments (2)

Profile:Lesson 98 Making Appointments (2)

Cam:  It’s time to perfect Chinese your way in only five minutes a day.  Welcome to Chinese Studio everyone.  I’m Cam.
YJ:  And wo shi Yajie.  We are learning all about making appointments this week – Cam, this might help you meet girls in Beijing!
Cam:  Yes, I certainly need lots of help with that!
Yajie:  Okay, let’s check Key Words of the Day.

Key Words of the Day
wher shall we meet? And what time? 咱们在哪儿见?几点?(zan2men zai4 na3er jian4?ji3 dian3?)Are you free tonight? 今天晚上有时间吗?(jin1tian1 wan3shang you3 shi2jian1 ma?) Would tomorrow be OK? 明天可以吗?(ming1tian1 ke3yi3 ma?) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Yajie:  All right, we just heard this in Key Words of the Day:  咱们在哪儿见?几点?(zan2men zai4 na3er jian4?ji3 dian3?)
Cam: All right, so what does that mean?
YJ:  It means “wher shall we meet? And what time?”
Cam: Okay, so I guess咱们(zan2men)means we. Right?
YJ: Yes. 咱们(zan2men), we.
Cam: But I thought we was pronounced 我们(wo3men).
YJ: Yes, but zan men is also common.  zai nar means at wher.
Cam: zai nar.
YJ: 见 (jian4), to meet.
Cam: 见 (jian4). J-i-a-n, the fourth tone.
YJ: So wher shall we meet would be: 咱们在哪儿见?(zan2men zai4 na3er jian4?)
Cam: 咱们在哪儿见?(zan2men zai4 na3er jian4?)
YJ: And what time? In Chinese it’s几点?(ji3 dian3)
Cam: Yeah, I think we've learned that before. 几点?(ji3 dian3)
YJ: Yes. Now let’s put it together, 咱们在哪儿见?几点?(zan2men zai4 na3er jian4?ji3 dian3?)When and wher shall we meet?
Cam:  咱们在哪儿见?几点?(zan2men zai4 na3er jian4?ji3 dian3?) 

Cam: Yajie, could you please tell me what’s the Chinese for “Are you free tonight”?
YJ:  Sure, of course. I’d love to. 今天晚上有时间吗?(jin1tian1 wan3shang you3 shi2jian1 ma?)
Cam: This should help me meeting girls in Beijing. 今天晚上有时间吗?(jin1tian1 wan3shang you3 shi2jian1 ma?)
YJ: 今天 (jin1tian1), today.
Cam: 今天 (jin1tian1).
YJ: 晚上 (wan3shang), night.
Cam: 晚上 (wan3shang).
YJ: jin tian wan shang.
Cam: jin tian wan shang, tonight.
YJ: 有 (you3), to have.
Cam: 有 (you3)
YJ: 时间 (shi2jian1), time.
Cam: 时间 (shi2jian1). 有时间(you3 shi2jian1) means “ to have time”.
YJ: Also you can say 有空 (you3kong4),which also means to be free.
Cam: 有空 (you3konr4). And I know 吗 (ma) is a question mark.
YJ: Right. 今天晚上有时间吗?(jin1tian1 wan3shang you3 shi2jian1 ma?) Are you free tonight?
Cam: 今天晚上有时间吗?(jin1tian1 wan3shang you3 shi2jian1 ma?)
YJ: Or you can say今天晚上有空吗? (jin1tian1 wan3shang you3kong4 ma?)
Cam: 今天晚上有空吗? (jin1tian1 wan3shang you3kong4 m a?) Are you free tonight?

Cam: Somebody asked me to go to a dinner this evening, but I’m unfortunately busy. How do you say “Would tomorrow be OK?”
YJ: It’s明天可以吗?(ming1tian1 ke3yi3 ma?)
Cam: 明天可以吗?(ming1tian1 ke3yi3 ma?)
YJ: 明天 (ming1tian1) tomorrow.
Cam: 明天 (ming1tian1)
YJ: 可以吗?(ke3yi3 ma?), is it okay?
Cam: 可以吗?(ke3yi3 ma?)
YJ: 明天可以吗?(ming1tian1 ke3yi3 ma?)
Cam: Easy! 明天可以吗?(ming1tian1 ke3yi3 ma?) Would tomorrow be OK?
Key Words Reminder

wher shall we meet? And what time? 咱们在哪儿见?几点?(zan2men zai4 na3er jian4?ji3 dian3?)Are you free tonight? 今天晚上有时间吗?(jin1tian1 wan3shang you3 shi2jian1 ma?) Would tomorrow be OK? 明天可以吗?(ming1tian1 ke3yi3 ma?)
YJ:  We will see ya tomorrow! 
Cam:  ming tian jian.


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