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Financial Crisis on Wall Street 金融危机词汇

Profile:Financial Crisis on Wall Street 金融危机词汇
wall streetHot Chinese Words about Financial Crisis on Wall Street

华尔街金融危机 中文热门词汇

Wall St slumps as Lehman collapses, Merrill sold. US shares went into a freefall overnight as part of a global rout after a bankruptcy at Lehman Brothers stoked fears about contagion affecting world markets and the economy.

To make ChineseHour learners have a better understanding the hot Chinese words and expressions about the global financial crisis, we have carefully selected the most popular ones for your Chinese learning.
雷曼兄弟 léimàn xiōngdì, Lehman Brothers

美林证券 měilín zhèngquàn, Merrill Lynch

美国国际集团 měiguó guójì jítuán, American International Group (AIG)

摩根士丹利 mógēn shìdānlì, Morgan Stanley

高盛集团 gāoshèng jítuán,Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

房地美 fáng dì měi, Freddie Mac

房利美 fáng lì měi, Fannie Mae

美联储 měi lián chǔ, the US Federal Reserve

纽约证交所 niǔyuē zhèng jiāo suǒ, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

美国财政部 měiguó cáizhèng bù, the US Treasury Department

白宫 báigōng, White House

布什政府 bùshí zhèngfǔ, Bush Administration

国会 guóhuì, Congress

华尔街金融危机 huáěrjiē jīnróng wēijī, financial crisis on Wall Street

次贷危机 cìdài wēijī, subprime mortgage crisis

信贷危机 xìndài wēijī, credit crisis

股市暴跌 gǔshì bàodiē, Stock markets dro sharply.

破产 pòchǎn , bankruptcy

申请破产保护 shēnqǐng pòchǎn bǎohù, to file for bankruptcy protection

救市 jiù shì, to save the financial market

收购 shōugòu, to buy

投资银行 tóuzī yínháng,investment banks

商业银行 shāngyè yínháng,commercial bank

不良资产 bùliáng zīchǎn, bad debt

巨额注资行动 jùé zhùzī xíngdòng, giant liquidity operation

紧急财政援助 jǐnjí cáizhèng yuánzhù, financial bailout

一保一控 yī bǎo yī kòng, to strike a delicate growth-inflation balance
– Premier Wen Jiabao said China should strike a balance between stable, comparatively fast economic growth and inflation control in macroeconomic management.
经济增长 jīngjì zēngzhǎng, economic growth

通货膨胀 tōnghuò péngzhàng, inflation

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