变形金刚 The Transformers...
米老鼠与唐老鸭 Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck...
鼹鼠的故事 The Mole...
葫芦兄弟 Calabash Brothers...
大闹天宫 The Monkey King Creates Havoc in Heaven...
发条铁皮玩具 Clockwork Tin Toy...
滚铁环 Hoop-rolling...
积木 Toy Blocks...
童年玩具-魔方 Rubik's Cube...
老鹰捉小鸡 The Eagle Catches the Chickens...
弹玻璃珠 Playing marbles...
跳房子 Hopscotch...
麦芽糖 Malt Sugar Candy...
娃娃脸雪糕 Baby Face Ice Cream...
大大泡泡糖 Dada Bubble Gum...
糖人 (讲述人:七十年代生人) Sugar Figure (Narrator: a person born in the 1970s)...